

DkML Installer

DkML is an open-source set of software that supports software development with mixed OCaml/C development. DkML's strengths are its:

These alternatives may be better depending on your use case:

The DkML Installer for OCaml generates and distributes installers for the DkML distribution. Windows, Debian/x86_64 and macOS/Silicon are ready today.

For news about DkML, <!-- markdown-link-check-disable-next-line --> Twitter URL on Twitter.


Please visit https://gitlab.com/dkml/distributions/dkml#installing.

Do not use the GitHub releases because they are very old.


<a href="https://ocaml-sf.org"> <img align="left" alt="OCSF logo" src="https://ocaml-sf.org/assets/ocsf_logo.svg"/> </a> Thanks to the [OCaml Software Foundation](https://ocaml-sf.org) for economic support to the development of DkML. <p/>


Please visit https://gitlab.com/dkml/distributions/dkml.