

Security Notice

This project has not been updated since 2019. There are multiple security vulnerabilities in dependency packages.

Without an investment in upgrading these dependencies, this project should be considered for archival use only.

<img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/22897558/22356169/8f6e0b16-e3ec-11e6-8695-2273424c2b06.png" width="200" />


PcapDB is a distributed, search-optimized open source packet capture system. It was designed to replace expensive, commercial appliances with off-the-shelf hardware and a free, easy to manage software system. Captured packets are reorganized during capture by flow (an indefinite length sequence of packets with the same src/dst ips/ports and transport proto), indexed by flow, and searched (again) by flow. The indexes for the captured packets are relatively tiny (typically less than 1% the size of the captured data).

For hardware requirements, see HARDWARE.md.

Also see our fact sheet


Many things in this file refer to DESTDIR as a pathname prefix. The default, and that used by future pcapdb packages, is /var/pcapdb.

Architectural Overview

A PcapDB installation consists of a Search Head and one or more Capture Nodes. The Search Head can also be a Capture Node, or it can be a VM somewhere else. Wherever it is, the Search Head must be accessible by the Capture Nodes, but there's no need for the Capture Nodes to be visible to the Search Head.

1. Requirements

PcapDB is designed to work on Linux servers only. It was developed on both Redhat Enterprise and Debian systems, but its primary testbed has so far been Redhat based. While it has been verified to work (with packages from non-default repositories) on RHEL 6, a more bleeding edge system (like RHEL/Centos 7, or the latest Debian/Ubuntu LTS) will greatly simplify the process of gathering dependencies.

sys_requirements.md contains a list of the packages required to run and build pcapdb. They are easiest to install on modern Debian based machines.

requirements.txt contains python/pip requirements. They will automatically be installed via 'make install'.

2. Installing

To build and install everything in /var/pcapdb/, run one of:

make install-search-head
make install-capture-node
make install-monolithic

To make your life easier, however, you should work make sure the indexing code builds cleanly by running 'make' in the 'indexer/' directory.

Postgresql may install in a strange location, as noted in the 'indexer/README'. This can cause build failures in certain pip installed packages. Add PATH=$PATH:<pgsql_bin_path> to the end of your 'make install' command to fix this. For me, it is: make install PATH=$PATH:/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin.

3. Setup

After running 'make install', there are a few more steps to perform.

3-0: Setup hugepages (optional)

Pcapdb uses 2MB hugepages to manage memory more efficiently. If a capture node has hugepages available, they will be automatically consumed by the capture process.

First, determine how much memory you want to devote to capture. I'd recommend about 70% of available system memory, which should be a minimum of 16G (64G or more are recommended). Then simply divide that amount by 2M to get the number of hugepages.

To enable hugepages, add 'hugepages=<number of pages> hugepagesz=2M' to your /boot/grub/grub.conf and reboot. You may also want to add it to /etc/default/grub in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX variable, depending on your OS flavor (debian).

3-1: Post-Install script

The core/bin/post-install.sh script will handle the vast majority of the system setup for you.

/var/pcapdb/core/bin/post-install.sh [-c] [-s] <search_head_ip>    

This will set up the databases and rabbitmq.

3-2 DESTDIR/etc/pcapdb.cfg

This is the main Pcapdb config file. You must set certain values before PcapDB will run at all. There are a few things you need to set in here manually:

3-3 Add an admin user (Search Head Only)

You'll need to create an admin user.

sudo su - capture
./bin/python core/manage.py add_user <username> <first_name> <last_name> <email>

3-4 Add the capture nodes to the postgres pg_hba.conf on the search head.

This is needed if running a separate search head. See below.

3-5 Set up a site.

3-6 Set up a capture node.

3-7 Add capture node permissions

3-8 Configure disks.

Go into the Disks view - Click 'Admin', 'Capture Nodes', and then the 'Disks' button on the node you want to configure.

Index disks

Capture disks

You'll need to set up some groups of disks for capture.

Debugging note: Errors from this all go into the logs/celery.log on the capture node.

3-9 Configure Capture

Go into the Capture view - Click 'Admin', 'Capture Nodes', and then the 'Capture' button on the node you want to configure.

When you're ready, click 'Start'.

Debugging note: Capture runner errors go into logs/django.log on the capture node. For some reason you may get error messages about the capture runner not trying to do anything. As root, on the capture node, run supervisorctl restart capture_runner. Logs for the actual capture process are supposed to be in /var/pcapdb/log/capture.log, but sometimes show up in /var/log/messages if syslog didn't get configured correctly.

Things that can, and have, gone wrong

3-5 pfring-zc drivers

One more thing. You should install the drivers specific to your capture card for pfring-zc. The packages from NTOP actually build the drivers for your kernel on the fly when installed, though you may have to reinstall that package whenever you do a kernel update. Building and installing from source is also fairly straightforward.

Using PcapDB

Now that the system is installed and running, you have to set up a capture site, capture node, and some users.

Create a Capture Site

Every capture node belongs to a capture site.

Create a Capture Node

Add a capture node to your site.

Setup disks

PcapDB needs three types of disk:

You've obviously already got an OS at this point. The other two can be any sort of hard disk, SSD, partition, or RAID. As long as the system thinks it's a block device, you should be fine.


The system is pretty dumb about what disks it considers to be block devices. Any /dev/sd or /dev/md device works, for now

Add an Index Disk

In the disk management interface, select one or two identical disks to act as the index disk. If more than one disk is selected, they will automatically be grouped together in a RAID 1 configuration.

Add a Capture Disk

In the disk management interface, you can build RAID 5 arrays, and then assign those (or individual disks) as capture disks.

Set a capture interface, and go.

In the capture interface, enable the interface or interfaces of your choice.

Details on the various subsystems

PcapDB uses quite a few off-the-shelf open source systems, and it's useful to understand how those pieces fit into the larger system. What follows is a detailed description of those systems, and how to set them up manually.


RabbitMQ is a fast and efficient messaging system used to communicate simple messages between a distributed network of hosts. As with Celery, RabbitMQ is really meant for distributing messages to the 'first available' worker, but in PcapDB all of our messages are to a specific worker. As such, the PcapDB rabbitMQ instance automatically creates a specific message queue for each Capture Node, as well as a queue for the Search Head. The command 'rabbitmqctl' gives visibility into the currently active queues. For further debugging/introspection, the rabbitmq admin plugin provides a web interface that can be quite useful.

RabbitMQ server need only be configured on the search head.

# Get rid of the guest user
rabbitmqctl delete_user guest
# Create the pcapdb user with a password
rabbitmqctl add_user pcapdb <a strong password>
# Allow the pcapdb user to set/view all queues
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / pcapdb '.*' '.*' '.*'

Database Setup

The setup varies significantly between the search head and capture nodes.

Add the 'capture' Role

On all pcapdb servers, add a 'capture' role with login privileges and a password. As the postgres user:

sudo su -postgres
createuser capture -l -P

The 'db_pass' variable in the pcapdb.cfg file should be set to the Search Head's db password on all pcapdb hosts in the network.

On the Search Head

Create a database named "pcapdb":

createdb -O capture pcapdb

Edit the Search Head's "pg_hba.conf" (location varies) file to allow connections to Search Head DB from localhost. Also add a line allowing each capture node.

host    pcapdb          capture            md5
host    pcapdb          capture         <capture node ip>       md5

Edit the Search Head's postgresql.conf file so that it listens on its own IP:

listen_addresses = 'localhost,<search head ip>'

On the Capture Nodes

Create a database named 'capture_node' on each capture node host:

createdb -O capture capture_node

Since the capture nodes connect via peer (unix socket) to their own database, no additional setup should be needed.

Restart the postgresql server.

# On most systems...
service postgresql restart

Install the Database Tables

After restarting the postgres service, we'll need to install the database tables on each PcapDB host. From the PcapDB installation directory (typically /var/pcapdb):

sudo su - root
cd /var/pcapdb
./bin/python core/manage.py makemigrations stats_api login_api core task_api search_head_api
login_gui search_head_gui capture_node_api

# On the search head
./bin/python core/manage.py migrate

# On the capture nodes
./bin/python core/manage.py migrate --database=capture_node

Web server setup

The Makefile will generate a self-signed cert for your server for you if an installed one doesn't already exist at '/etc/ssl/<HOSTNAME>.pem'. You should probably change that to something that isn't self-signed.

Firewall Notes

Running the system

If you installed anywhere except 'in place', the system should attempt to run itself via supervisord. You'll have to restart some processes, as supervisord will have given up on them.


While PcapDB is a database of packets, it uses postgres to take care of more mundane database tasks. The Search Head has a unique database that houses information on users, capture nodes, celery response data, and aggregate statistics for the entire network of PcapDB capture nodes. All PcapDB hosts must be able to connect to the Search Head database.

Each Capture Node also has a database that keeps track of the available disk chunks and indexes on that node. This database is only accessible to the capture node itself.

This has to be set up manually. See above for more information.


Celery is a system for distributing and scheduling tasks across a network of workers. PcapDB manages all of its communications with the Capture Nodes through Celery tasks, from initiating searches to managing disk arrays. The tasks are assigned and picked up by the appropriate host via RabbitMQ messaging queues, and the responses are saved to the search head via the search head's database. Celery runs on both the Search Head and all Capture Nodes, though each host subscribes to different task queues (see RabbitMQ below).

Celery is configured automatically on system install, and the process is managed via supervisord.

uWSGI and Nginx

The web interface for PcapDB is built in the Python Django system, which is served via a unix socket using uWSGI and persistant Python instances. Nginx handles all of the standard HTTP/HTTPS portions of the web service, and passes Django requests to uWSGI via its socket. (This is a pretty standard way of doing things).


The standard configuration for PcapDB and Nginx expects ssl certificates and a private key installed at:


If these don't already exist when running make install, self-signed certs will be created automatically (with your input).

A Few Other Tasks

Install static files

You will need to install the static files for pcapdb.

sudo su - capture
./bin/python core/manage.py collectstatic

Making sure everything is working.

After installing and setting up the database, there are a few things you can check to make sure everything is working.

  1. Restart supervisord to reset the uwsgi and celery processes to pick up the new database configs.

  2. Go to your webserver's root directory https://<myserver>/, and you should get to the pcapdb login page.