

What is Impacket?

Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. Impacket is focused on providing low-level programmatic access to the packets and for some protocols (e.g. SMB1-3 and MSRPC) the protocol implementation itself. Packets can be constructed from scratch, as well as parsed from raw data, and the object oriented API makes it simple to work with deep hierarchies of protocols. The library provides a set of tools as examples of what can be done within the context of this library.

A description of some of the tools can be found at: https://www.secureauth.com/labs/open-source-tools/impacket

What protocols are featured?

Getting Impacket


Quick start

Grab the latest stable release, unpack it and run pip install . from the directory where you placed it. Isn't that easy?



In order to install the source execute the following command from the directory where the Impacket's distribution has been unpacked: pip install . This will install the classes into the default Python modules path; note that you might need special permissions to write there. For more information on what commands and options are available from setup.py, run python setup.py --help-commands.


If you want to run the library test cases you need to do mainly three things:

  1. Install and configure a Windows 2012 R2 Domain Controller.
    • Be sure the RemoteRegistry service is enabled and running.
  2. Configure the dcetest.cfg file with the necessary information
  3. Install tox (pip install tox)

Once that's done, you can run tox and wait for the results. If all goes well, all test cases should pass. You will also have a coverage HTML report located at impacket/tests/htlmcov/index.html


This software is provided under under a slightly modified version of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for more information.

SMBv1 and NetBIOS support based on Pysmb by Michael Teo.

Contact Us

Whether you want to report a bug, send a patch or give some suggestions on this package, drop us a few lines at oss@secureauth.com.