

ADMIN template Vue2

:dizzy: :dizzy: template for quasar admin with typescript :full_moon_with_face: :full_moon_with_face: support pwa,electron,spa,Ionic

Vue3 Class syntax online preview https://dirkhe1051931999.github.io/v3-admin

Vue2 Class syntax preview https://dirkhe1051931999.github.io/quasar

<img src="https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/11/11/zCCtbt.png" >

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

# login by local not by server
# npm run server
# spa
npm run dev
# electron
quasar dev -m electron
# pwa
quasar dev -m pwa
# capacitor
quasar dev -m capacitor -T ios

Lint the files

npm run lint

Build the app for production

# spa
quasar build
# electron
quasar build -m electron
# pwa
quasar build -m pwa
# capacitor
quasar build -m capacitor -T ios

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.conf.js.