

lzstring4j - LZString for Java

lzstring4j is an easy to use implementation of JavaScript LZString Library for Java.

This idea is inspired by lz-string-java.


How to use

Using lzstring4j is quite simple. But lets see:

Checkout and compile the project:

git clone https://github.com/diogoduailibe/lzstring4j.git
cd lzstring4j
mvn clean install

Then, import in your project using maven dependecy


Afterwards, you'll be able to use this library:

Normal Compression and Decompression:

	   // Normal Compression and Decompression
		String test = "Lets see how much we can compress this string!";

		String output = LZString.compress(test);

		System.out.println("Compressed: " + output);

		String decompressed = LZString.decompress(output);
		System.out.println("Decompressed: " + decompressed);

UTF-16 Compression and Decompression:

		//UTF-16 Compression and Decompression 
		String testUTF16 = "Lets see how much we can compress this string!";

		String outputUTF16 = LZString.compressToUTF16(testUTF16);

		System.out.println("Compressed: " + outputUTF16);

		String decompressedUTF16 = LZString.decompressFromUTF16(outputUTF16);
		System.out.println("Decompressed: " + decompressedUTF16);

Base64 Compression and Decompression:

		//Base64 Compression and Decompression 
		String testBase64 = "Lets see how much we can compress this string!";

		String outputBase64 = LZString.compressToBase64(testBase64);

		System.out.println("Compressed: " + outputBase64);

		String decompressedBase64 = LZString.decompressFromBase64(outputBase64);
		System.out.println("Decompressed: " + decompressedBase64);


In order to run JUnit tests, just run:

mvn test

You'll see tests for Normal, UTF-16 and Base64 compression and decompression.


git clone https://github.com/diogoduailibe/lzstring4j.git


to build a jar-file:

mvn clean package
ls target/lzstring4j-<version>.jar

You'll find it in target path


Please report any bugs feature requests to the Github issue tracker


This Library was designed with portability in mind.


CONTRIBUTORS (Thanks to all, by the way!)

License - the boring stuff...

See LICENSE file.