Device specs and I/O headers for PRU MCU variants
This package contains the device specs and I/O headers for the different PRU variants in different TI SoCs.
Install this package to allow the -mmcu=
GCC compiler option to pick the correct settings for your board.
Let's say that we're building firmware for PRU0 core from the ICSSG1 instance on Beagleboard-AI64. In such case you must pass the tda4vm.icssg1.pru0
spec to the GCC's -mmcu=
command line option, e.g.:
pru-gcc -mmcu=tda4vm.icssg1.pru0 -Os -Wall main.c -o firmware.elf
The above spec would in turn provide the correct IMEM and DMEM memory sizes to the linker. It would also add preprocessor defines to allow distinguishing PRU cores in C and ASM programs. Example:
#if defined(__TDA4VM_ICSSG1_PRU0__)
/* This C code section will be compiled only
* for PRU0 from ICSSG1 on Beaglebone-AI64. */
#if defined(__TDA4VM_ICSSG1__)
/* This C code section will be compiled for any
* PRU core from ICSSG1 on Beaglebone-AI64. */
#if defined(__TDA4VM__)
/* This C code section will be compiled for any
* PRU core from any ICSSG on Beaglebone-AI64. */
For a full list of supported specs see here.
Building from GIT
The autoconf and automake tools are needed to bootstrap the build scripts.
autoreconf -vfi
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --host=pru
make install
Building from a released tarball
Use the standard configure and make steps.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --host=pru
make install
Creating Debian Package
debuild -i -us -uc -b
ls -l ../gnuprumcu_*.deb