


facteur is a little tool (experimental) to easily send a mail. It is a milestone of several projects to implement the SMTP stack on MirageOS:

Of course, facteur uses several libraries. mrmime uses rosetta to decode any encoding to Unicode. It uses base64 or pecu as encoder/decoder of bodies. Or angstrom as the main library to describe (a)BNF of emails.

Internal libraries

facteur needs libmagic to be able to recognize kind of your files. It implements a C stubs and depends on an UNIX environment. In other side, facteur has an other internal library, rfc2183 which wants to emit a Content-Disposition field. This library is on top of mrmime.

SMTP details

facteur wants to use two ways to send an email. The first one wraps entirely a SMTP flow with TLS (with [ocaml-tls][ocaml-tls]). The second way is to start a SMTP flow and try to establish a TLS flow with STARTTLS.

Of course, the first way is better than the second. If both are not available, we are not able to send an email.


As we said, this library is really experimental and should not be used in production where it deserves mostly a deep work about API on mrmime or colombe mainly.

However, it works (mostly)!