


  1. Rails application that interacts with a crowd counting python machine learning service via gRPC.
  2. iOS app and macOS Playground that uses a CoreML pipeline to count the number of people in an image.

For an overview of the machine learning and Rails application, please visit this blog post.

Click on the individual folders for README's specific to each section.

Checkout with git-lfs

We use git-lfs to store images in git. For a faster check out, please first do:

git lfs fetch
git pull

/secrets folder and Google Cloud

$ cat .envrc
export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=/Users/dimroc/.pyenv/versions/miniconda2-4.1.11/bin/python2
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=../secrets/gcloudstorage.development.json
gcloud config set project counting-company-production

