


UIAlertController drop in replacement with much more customization

You can literally replace UIAlertController by PopupViewController and UIAlertAction by PopupAction and you're done. Does not support Action Sheet for now, just alert mode.

Simple example.

  let alert = PopupViewController(title: "Alert title", message: "Alert message, which can be very long and etc....")
  alert.addAction(PopupAction(title: "Ok", type: .positive, handler: nil))
  present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)


Dark alert

By default it come with a dark theme, but where it become powerful is that you can customize it.


  var customizable = PopupViewController.Customizable()
  customizable.titleColor = UIColor.blue
  customizable.positiveActionColor = UIColor.red
  customizable.messageColor = UIColor.brown
  customizable.messageFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 22)
  customizable.negativeActionColor = UIColor.brown
  customizable.positiveActionColor = UIColor.blue
  customizable.negativeActionBackgroundColor = UIColor.black
  customizable.positiveActionBackgroundColor = UIColor.white
  customizable.positiveActionHighlightColor = UIColor.green
  customizable.negativeActionHighlightColor = UIColor.red

  let alert = PopupViewController(title: "Alert title",
                                        message: "Alert message, which can be very long message and all that but nobody will ever read it.",
                                        customizable: customizable)
  alert.blurStyle = .extraLight
  alert.addAction(PopupAction(title: "Ok", type: .positive, handler: nil))
  alert.addAction(PopupAction(title: "Cancel", type: .negative, handler: nil))
  present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)


Ugly alert

Yes this is very ugly. But you know...

You can also set a static Customizable, it'll be re used if you pass no customizable in the PopupViewController constructor.

  var customizable = PopupViewController.Customizable()
  customizable.titleColor = UIColor.blue
  customizable.positiveActionColor = UIColor.red
  customizable.messageColor = UIColor.brown
  customizable.messageFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 22)
  customizable.negativeActionColor = UIColor.brown
  customizable.positiveActionColor = UIColor.blue
  customizable.negativeActionBackgroundColor = UIColor.black
  customizable.positiveActionBackgroundColor = UIColor.white
  customizable.positiveActionHighlightColor = UIColor.green
  customizable.negativeActionHighlightColor = UIColor.red
  PopupViewController.sharedCustomizable = alertCustomizable




Add pod 'PopupViewController' in your podfile and then run pod install

Dev mode

Clone this repository and and run pod install in both the PopupViewController and Example directory.


It use the amazing Cartography as a dependency for now because I'm a lazy ass and I don't want to look at the Apple doc for the ugly Autolayout code hint.