


Build Status

This project provides shared libraries for instrumenting software via Prometheus

Documentation can be found at the documentation site and an example can be found under example/. Check under the releases tab for tarballs and debian installers


This project generally follows semantic versioning. For each version you can find a corresponding release under the releases type. Do not expect the master branch to maintain alignment with the latest release. It may contain changes not yet released.


The only development dependencies required to get started are Docker, Make and Bash. Navigate to the root fo this project directory and execute make. This process will build the development container, build libprom and libpromhttp, run the unit tests and execute the smoke tests.

The stages of the development workflow are automated via auto which can be found in the root of this project directory. Execute bash auto -h for information regarding the different subcommands. Information for each subcommand can be obtained by executing bash auto CMD -h.


Thank you for your interest in contributing to prometheus-client-c! There two primary ways to get involved with this project: documentation and code modifications. In either case, the process is identical.

General Rules for Contribution

Coding Rules for Contribution
