


maven plugin for Stampo, static website generator


mvn stampo:build

build the website and publish it to the output directory

mvn stampo:check

check that there are no errors in the source files

mvn stampo:serve

build the website and make it available on a given local address

mvn stampo:new [-Darchetype=basic|site|blog|doc]

generate a basic template of the chosen archetype in srcDir

Configuration parameters

srcDir (default={basedir}/src/main/stampo)

location of the source stampo project

outputDir (default=${project.build.directory}/stampo)

location where to publish the generated stampo project

archetype (default=basic)

define which template to use when generating a basic stampo project.

Allowed values:

hostame (default=localhost)

hostname for the serve goal

port (default=8080)

port for the serve goal

disableAutoReload (default=false)

disable auto reload of the source project

disableRebuildOnChange (default=false)

disable rebuild the source project when there are changes

hideDraft (default=false)

hide or show content marked with "draft: true" metadata

Maven central repository


Example pom.xml
