



Dopamine is an elegant audio player which tries to make organizing and listening to music as simple and pretty as possible. This version is written using Electron, Angular and Typescript. The original Dopamine (for Windows), which is written in WPF and C#, remains available <a href="https://github.com/digimezzo/dopamine-windows">here</a>.

Dopamine icons created by <a href="https://www.itssharl.ee/">Sharlee</a>.

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<a href='https://ko-fi.com/S6S11K63U' target='_blank'><img height='36' style='border:0px;height:36px;' src='https://az743702.vo.msecnd.net/cdn/kofi1.png?v=2' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com' /></a>


Thank you JetBrains!

<img src="https://resources.jetbrains.com/storage/products/company/brand/logos/jb_beam.png" width="150" height="150">

Thank you JetBrains for supporting this project!


I recommend using JetBrains Rider or WebStorm to debug this project. The .run folder contains a debugging configuration Debug renderer that allows you to attach to the Dopamine instance that is started when running npm start. Most of the code runs in the Electron renderer. That is why only a renderer configuration is provided for now.

Build prerequisites

Build prerequisites on Ubuntu:

Follow the build instructions below to start or build Dopamine for your platform.

Build prerequisites on Manjaro:

Follow the build instructions below to start or build Dopamine for your platform.

Build prerequisites on Windows:

Follow the build instructions below to start or build Dopamine for your platform.

Build prerequisites on MacOS:

Build instructions

Due to the native dependency better-sqlite3, this project cannot be built for all platforms on GNU/Linux. The GNU/Linux packages must be built on GNU/Linux, the Windows package must be built on Windows and the MacOS package must be built on MacOS.

$ git clone https://github.com/digimezzo/dopamine.git
$ cd dopamine
$ npm install                # Install dependencies
$ npm start                  # Start Dopamine
$ npm run electron:windows   # Build for Windows
$ npm run electron:linux     # Build for Linux
$ npm run electron:mac       # Build for Mac

Pacman installation notes

The pacman package can be installed using this command (replace x.y.z with the correct version number):

$ sudo pacman -U Dopamine-x.y.z.pacman

If you're getting an error concerning a missing package libappindicator-sharp, use this command to perform the installation instead (replace x.y.z with the correct version number):

$ sudo pacman -U Dopamine-x.y.z.pacman --assume-installed libappindicator-sharp