



Delphi Property Editor for TStrings supporting formatted languages with syntax highlight

Delphi Supported Versions Platforms Auto Install VCL and FMX


What's New

<details> <summary>Click here to view the entire changelog</summary> </details>

Component Description

This property editor allows you to type texts in Delphi IDE when editing TStrings properties, overwriting the default TStrings editor form.

The NoteEditor supports syntax highlight using SynEdit component (this component depends on SynEdit - you can get here at GitHub too).

Example Image

Example Colors

All the configurations and customizations are saved at system Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Digao\NoteEditor

How to install

You need to get the SynEdit before this. Please, download it here: https://github.com/SynEdit/SynEdit. Do not use TurboPack SynEdit, because it has some differences.

After SynEdit already installed, do the following:

Auto install

  1. Download Component Installer from: https://github.com/digao-dalpiaz/CompInstall/releases/latest
  2. Put CompInstall.exe into the component repository sources folder.
  3. Close Delphi IDE and run CompInstall.exe app.

Manual install

  1. Open DzNoteEditor.groupproj in the Delphi.

  2. Ensure Win32 Platform and Release config are selected at both packages.

  3. Right-click at root item in the tree and choose Build All.

  4. If you want to use 64 bit platform, select this platform at NotepadPackage and do a new Build in this package.

  5. Right-click at DzNoteEditorDesign and choose Install.

  6. Add "Win32\Release" sub folder to Delphi Library Path (Tools\Options), on 32-bit option. If you will use 64 bit platform, add "Win64\Release" sub folder on 64-bit option.

Supports Delphi XE3..Delphi 11

Hidden Shortcuts

CTRL+S = Save Button


Others shortcuts are described on each hint of toolbar buttons

TDzNotepad Component

In this package there is a bonus non-visual component called TDzNotepad. This is a simple component having a TStrings published property. So you can store at DFM any text you want. This is very useful to store text data in Forms and DataModules.

And, of course, you can simply double-click the component and will open the NoteEditor!

Notepad Usage

Syntax Supported Formats

Note: This list is based on last version of SynEdit (date: 01/23/2019). You may have a different list if you install another version. The list is automatically created based on installed syntax highlighters of SynEdit (auto-detected).

CnPack CnWizards conflict

If you are using CnWizards, you need to deactivate TStrings property editor because CnWizars overwrites my property editor.

Follow steps bellow:

  1. Go to the CnPack menu into Delphi.
  2. Choose Options.
  3. Go to the Property Editor tab.
  4. Select String List Editor item.
  5. Uncheck "Enabled" on right panel.
  6. Click OK.

To ensure this configuration take effect, please close and re-open Delphi.