

Evolving Normalization-Activation Layers

Google AI and DeepMind

<div style="text-align:center"><img src ="figures/evonorm.PNG" width="1000"/></div> <p> <em>Figure 1. Left: Computation graph of a searched normalization activation layer that is batch-independent, named EvoNorm-S0. Right: ResNet-50 results with EvoNorm-S0 as the batch size over 8 workers varies from 1024 to 32 on ImageNet. EvoNorm-S0 also outperforms both BN and GN-based layers on MobileNetV2 and Mask R-CNN. </em> </p>


from evonorm2d import EvoNorm2D
# For B0 version
evoB0 = EvoNorm2D(input, affine = True, version = 'B0', training = True)

# For S0 version 
evoS0 = EvoNorm2D(input)