

diagNNose · Build Status Code style: black

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.06819

Demo: Open In Colab

Documentation: https://diagnnose.readthedocs.io

This library contains a set of modules that can be used to analyse the activations of neural networks, with a focus on NLP architectures such as LSTMs and Transformers. In particular, it contains functionality for :

:tada: diagNNose has been presented at BlackboxNLP 2020! The paper can be found here.

Documentation can be found at diagnnose.readthedocs.io.

Our library is officially registered with pip and can be installed by running pip install diagnnose. The preferred version of Python is ≥3.6. The required packages are stated in requirements.txt.

Quick Tour

The workflow of diagNNose is divided into several building blocks, that can be combined for various experiments.

We provide a few examples that demonstrate the library. An interactive and more extensive interface for these scripts is also provided in the form of a notebook: Open In Colab

Activation Extraction

The activations of a model can be extracted using an Extractor that takes care of batching and selecting activations of interest.

Fine-grained activation selection is possible by defining a selection_func, that selects an activation based on the current sentence index and corpus item.

from torchtext.data import Example

from diagnnose.config import create_config_dict
from diagnnose.corpus import Corpus
from diagnnose.extract import Extractor
from diagnnose.models import LanguageModel, import_model
from diagnnose.tokenizer.create import create_tokenizer

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config_dict = create_config_dict()

    tokenizer = create_tokenizer(**config_dict["tokenizer"])
    corpus: Corpus = Corpus.create(tokenizer=tokenizer, **config_dict["corpus"])
    model: LanguageModel = import_model(**config_dict["model"])

    def selection_func(w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool:
        return w_idx == item.extraction_idx

    extractor = Extractor(
        model, corpus, selection_func=selection_func, **config_dict["extract"]
    activation_reader = extractor.extract()

Research using diagNNose


If you intend on using diagNNose for your research, please cite us as follows. Feel free to reach out, we'd love to help!

    title = "diag{NN}ose: A Library for Neural Activation Analysis",
    author = "Jumelet, Jaap",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP",
    month = nov,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.blackboxnlp-1.32",
    pages = "342--350",