

Speckle2Void: Deep Self-Supervised SAR Despeckling with Blind-Spot Convolutional NeuralNetworks

Speckle2Void is a self-supervised Bayesian despeckling framework that enables direct training on real SAR images. This method bypasses the problem of training a CNN on synthetically-speckled optical images, thus avoiding any domain gap and enabling learning of features from real SAR images.

This repository contains python/tensorflow implementation of Speckle2Void, trained and tested on the TerraSAR-X dataset provided by ESA archive.

BibTex reference:

       author = {{Bordone Molini}, Andrea and {Valsesia}, Diego and {Fracastoro}, Giulia and
         {Magli}, Enrico},
        title = "{Speckle2Void: Deep Self-Supervised SAR Despeckling with Blind-Spot Convolutional Neural Networks}",
      journal = {arXiv e-prints},
     keywords = {Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Image and Video Processing, Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
         year = 2020,
        month = jul,
          eid = {arXiv:2007.02075},
        pages = {arXiv:2007.02075},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {2007.02075},
 primaryClass = {eess.IV}

Setup to get started

Make sure you have Python3 and all the required python packages installed:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Get TerraSAR-X data through ESA EO products online search service and build the dataset.


In Speckle2Void-training.ipynb the Speckle2V object is instantiated and some parameters are required:

"dir_train" : directory with training data.
"dir_test"  : directory with test data.
"file_checkpoint" : checkpoint for loading a specific model. If None, the latest checkpoint is loaded.
"batch_size"  : size of the mini-batch.
"patch_size"  : size of the training patches
"model_name" : starting name of the directory where to save the checkpoints.
"lr" : learning rate.
"steps_per_epoch" : steps for each epoch 
"k_penalty_tv" : coefficient to weigh the total variation term in the loss
"norm" : normalization
"clip" : intensity value to clip the SAR images
"shift_list" : list of the possible shifts to apply to the receptive fields at the end of the network. For example [3,1].
"prob" : list of the probabilities for choosing the possible shifts. For example [0.9,0.1], 0.9 will be the probability of using shift equal to 3 and 0.1 of using shift 1.
"L_noise" : parameter L of the noise distribution gamma(L,L) used to model the speckle

The SAR denoiser training starts by default from the latest checkpoint found in './checkpoint/model_name' or from a specified checkpoint.


The s2v_checkpoint directory contains the model used to produce the results of the paper.


Download sample test images from here and place them in the test_examples directory. To test the trained model on the test examples and estimated the clean versions run Speckle2Void-prediction.ipynb.

Authors & Contacts

Speckle2Void is based on work by the Image Processing and Learning group of Politecnico di Torino: Andrea Bordone Molini (andrea.bordone AT polito.it), Diego Valsesia (diego.valsesia AT polito.it), Giulia Fracastoro (giulia.fracastoro AT polito.it), Enrico Magli (enrico.magli AT polito.it).