Simple and easy to use server orchestration set of tools made with love and golang.
camerata command line options:
-args string
Module arguments
Asks for password on the command line for bastion jump
Asks for password on the command line (default true)
-bastion string
Bastion or jumpbox server
-bastion-pass string
Bastion or jumpbox server password (default: same as --pass)
-bastion-user string
Bastion or jumpbox server login user (default: same as --user)
-hosts string
Comma separated hosts list
-inventory string
Inventory file
-module string
Module to run (default "test")
List available modules
-pass string
Use this password
-pem string
Path to pemfile for auth
No camerata output
Run as sudo
Run as sudo without pass
Runs whoami on remote host
-user string
Login user
Camerata inventory file generator.
Inventory file format
Inventory files are toml v0.2.0 files with three main sections:
bastion (optional)
Specifies connection data regarding the bastion or jumpbox server. It resembles the command line arguments:
-bastion string
Bastion or jumpbox server
-bastion-pass string
Bastion or jumpbox server password (default: same as --pass)
-bastion-user string
Bastion or jumpbox server login user (default: same as --user)
In inventory file format
user="username" # to jump with
password and user are optional and, if not specified will be taken from the command line arguments.
This is you servers inventory list.
host="ip_or_hostname[:port]" #default port is 22
user="username" #if it's not present , command line --user option
password="user_secret_word" #if it's not present , command line --pass option or the one prompted in the console.
sudo=false # or true if you want to run modules as root.
sudo_nopass=false # or true if sudo does not ask for password.
use_bastion=false # or true if we need to jump through the [bastion] host.
# and so on...
Modules are the operation unit. If there's no modules on the inventory file, camerata will loop through the servers list and will connect and disconnect with no further action.
Butt (double t intended ;) if you have a [[modules]] section on your inventory file, camerata will execute each one in order on every server in the servers list.
At the time of this writing, the following modules are available:
- about
- test
- copy
- command
- apt (unstable yet)
- git
- pip
- rcopy
Execute camerata with --modules to get a list of available modules and how to use them.
Inventory file format for modules:
args="" #no args, it just execs "whoami" on the server.
args="source=/path/to/my/file target=/destination/dir/on/server"
args="cat /path/to/my/file" # bash command line
Available backends (inventory generators)
- vmware
- about
- amazon (working on it...)
camerata-inventory about command line options:
No options, just an about message.
camerata-inventory vmware command line options:
-bastion string
Bastion or jumpbox server (name or ip address)
-bastion-nets string
Comma separated list of segments that uses --bastion (e.g.: 10.54.165.,10.54.170.)
-format string
Output format: toml, csv (default "toml")
-host string
vCenter host[:port] or ip[:port]
Don't check server certificate (default true)
-pass string
vCenter password
-user string
vCenter username
camerata-inventory amazon command line options:
Backend into development stage