


This is a Javascript Lorem Ipsum generator, created for mussumipsum.com, a brazilian dummy text generator. You can use it to develop anything that concerns Mussum Ipsum (like a plugin for Sublime or Atom or whatever), or to create your own customized Lorem Ipsum.

Add it to your project using NPM:

npm install mipsum --save

Since v2.3.2 it can be also imported as a module. Example:

import { mIpsum } from 'mipsum'

const myLoremIpsum = mIpsum({
  pNum: 1,
  resultType: 'text',

You can also just download the code, add mipsum.min.js to your project and call it on your JS.

<script src="path/to/mipsum.min.js"></script>

mIpsum was created using vanilla Javascript, to allow you to decide if you want to include it in any context, some use examples:

vanilla JS

const mussumIpsum = mIpsum({ pNum: 10 }); // Put how many paragraphs you want
document.querySelector('body').innerHtml = mussumIpsum;

the same thing with jQuery

const mussumIpsum = mIpsum({ pNum: 10 });

There are other customized options available to you. More examples at demo/


pNumNumber1Number of paragraphs requested
quotesArraymussumQuotesArray of quotes to generate paragraphs
mainQuoteStringmussumMainQuoteMain quote to start your "Lorem Ipsum"
genLimitNumber1000Limit of paragraphs that can be requested
resultTypeStringhtmlFormat of the response, choose between: html, text or array
tagBeforeString<p>Anything you want to put before each paragraph (valid only with html resultType)
tagAfterString</p>Anything you want to put after each paragraph (valid only with html resultType)
pQuotesNumber4Number of quotes used to build a paragraph

The options can be set on an object passed as a parameter, like the example below:

  pNum: 1,
  quotes: [
    'Hi, my name is, what?',
    'My name is, who?',
    'Hi, my name is, huh?',
    'My name is, chka-chka',
  mainQuote: 'Slim Shady',
  genLimit: 1000,
  resultType: 'html',
  tagBefore: '<p>',
  tagAfter: '</p>',
  pQuotes: 4

To contribute

Fork the repository, fork and clone it on your local folder. Create your feature/ branch from develop.

To start developing, just run npm install to install all packages (last time we used Node v13.13.0), and then you need to run two cmds:

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Created by Diego Esteves under The MIT License (MIT)