

Stop using Zipline 1!

This current branch is discontinued, and will not be getting any updates. So... Switch to Zipline-Next!<br> Switch to Zipline-Next!<br> Switch to Zipline-Next!<br> Switch to Zipline-Next!<br>


Zipline is a Typescript based image/file uploading service & URL shortening service! Simple, and elegant.

Bleeding Edge

Want to try the bleeding edge version of Zipline? Fear no more, click here to view the branch (Zipline-Next)! As it is still a work in progress piece, no documentation is written for it, and there is very little functionality within it, so try at your own risk! If you would like help to set it up join our Discord.



Make sure to open an issue if you think you ran into an issue, or need help with anything.

Where is all the old information here?

All configuration options have been moved to the wiki, as the README was getting too long and hard to manage.