

iprs-record JavaScript implementation

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JavaScript IPRS Record implementations follows specification(IPRS) implementation

Disclaimer: This module is way out of date there will be 🐉🐉



Example record

// Record is a IPLD object
  '@context': {
    mlink: 'http://merkle-link'
  scheme: {
    mlink: <hash to validity scheme or identifier for hard coded validity scheme>
  expires: <data>, // datetime at which record expires
  value: <data>, // the data that this Record Stores

Record types

A record type should be identified by its validity scheme and a record validity scheme should be a MerkleDAG object containing its validity checking rules, however, for simplicity, we have developed 4 types of records, in which their validity schemes are hardcoded in this module. To identify which validity scheme to use, we use a enum:

Reference: https://github.com/ipfs/specs/tree/master/iprs/README.md#example-record-types