


gtkcord4 is now out. Naturally, that means gtkcord3 will not be maintained anymore.

<p align="center"> <img width="128" src="logo.png" /> <h1 align="center">gtkcord</h1> <p align="center">A lightweight Discord client which uses GTK3 for the user interface.</p> <img src=".readme-resources/images/screenshot7.png" /> </p>

gtkcord3 is back.


Because the official client is lagging too hard for me to ignore.

gtkcord3 won't be receiving any new features. It is being maintained at a minimal level just to ensure that it's usable on my computer. Crashed will still be fixed as I use the application, but that's about it.

Build gtkcord3

Required: go (1.17+), gtk+-3.0, libhandy-1, pkg-config (refer to .nix/shell.nix)

go install -v github.com/diamondburned/gtkcord3@latest
~/go/bin/gtkcord3 # $GOPATH/bin/gtkcord3 or $GOBIN/gtkcord3

Logging In

Login screen

  1. Press F12 in when Discord is open (to open the Inspector).
  2. Go to the Network tab then press F5 to refresh the page.
  3. Search api library then look for the "Authorization" header in the right column.
  4. Copy this token into the Token field, then click Login.


GNU General Public License v3 or any later version.