


āœØ Overview

outtasync helps users quickly identify the CloudFormation stacks that have gone out of sync with the state represented by their counterpart stack files. This can occur when someone updates a stack but fails to commit the latest stack file to the codebase. Alternatively, it may happen when a stack is updated on one deployment environment but not on others. šŸ¤·

Demo Video

šŸ’¾ Installation


brew install dhth/tap/outtasync


go install github.com/dhth/outtasync@latest

Or get the binaries directly from a release. Read more about verifying the authenticity of released artifacts here.

šŸ› ļø Pre-requisites

šŸ› ļø Configuration

Create a configuration file that looks like the following. By default, outtasync will look for this file at ~/.config/outtasync.yml.

globalRefreshCommand: aws sso login --sso-session sessionname
- name: qa
  - name: bingo-service-qa
    local: ~/projects/bingo-service/cloudformation/infrastructure.yml
    region: eu-central-1
    refreshCommand: aws sso login --profile qa1
  - name: papaya-service-qa
    local: ~/projects/papaya-service/cloudformation/service.yml
    region: eu-central-1
    - qa
    - auth
  - name: racoon-service-qa
    local: ~/projects/racoon-service/cloudformation/service.yml
    region: eu-central-1
    - qa
    - payments
- name: prod
  - name: brb-dll-prod
    local: ~/projects/brb-dll-service/cloudformation/service.yml
    region: eu-central-1
    refreshCommand: aws sso login --profile rgb-prod
    - prod
    - integrations
  - name: galactus-service-prod
    local: ~/projects/galactus-service/cloudformation/service.yml
    region: eu-central-1

refreshCommand overrides globalRefreshCommand whereever set.

Note: The globalRefreshCommand and refreshCommand settings are only needed if you want to invoke the command that refreshes your AWS credentials via the TUI directly.

āš”ļø Usage

outtasync can run in two modes: A TUI mode (ideal for running locally), and a CLI mode (ideal for running in a CI pipeline). TUI mode is the default.

TUI Mode

outtasync -config-file /path/to/config.yml
outtasync -profiles qa,prod
outtasync -t 'comma,separated,list,of,tags,to,filter,for'
outtasync -p '<regex-pattern-for-stack-names>'
outtasync -p '.*(qa|staging)$'
outtasync -c # to check status for all stacks on startup

CLI Mode

outtasync -mode=cli

This will print an output like the following to stdout.

2 stacks are outtasync:


Downloading in a CI pipeline

outtasync can be downloaded from Github releases and used as follows:

curl -s -OL https://github.com/dhth/outtasync/releases/download/v0.3.0/outtasync_v0.3.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar -xzvf outtasync_v0.3.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
./outtasync -mode=cli

āŒØļø Keymaps

ā†‘/k                                  up
ā†“/j                                  down
ā†’/l/pgdn                             next page
ā†/h/pgup                             prev page
g/home                               go to start
G/end                                go to end
ctrl+f/enter                         check status
a                                    check status for all
r                                    refresh aws credentials
ctrl+d/v                             show diff
o                                    filter outtasync stacks
i                                    filter in-sync stacks
e                                    filter stacks with errors
q                                    return to previous page/quit
/                                    filter
?                                    show/close help

šŸ–„ļø Screenshots




šŸ” Verifying release artifacts

In case you get the outtasync binary directly from a release, you may want to verify its authenticity. Checksums are applied to all released artifacts, and the resulting checksum file is signed using cosign.

Steps to verify (replace x.y.z in the commands listed below with the version you want):

  1. Download the following files from the release:

    • outtasync_x.y.z_checksums.txt
    • outtasync_x.y.z_checksums.txt.pem
    • outtasync_x.y.z_checksums.txt.sig
  2. Verify the signature:

    cosign verify-blob outtasync_x.y.z_checksums.txt \
        --certificate outtasync_x.y.z_checksums.txt.pem \
        --signature outtasync_x.y.z_checksums.txt.sig \
        --certificate-identity-regexp 'https://github\.com/dhth/outtasync/\.github/workflows/.+' \
        --certificate-oidc-issuer "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com"
  3. Download the compressed archive you want, and validate its checksum:

    curl -sSLO https://github.com/dhth/outtasync/releases/download/vx.y.z/outtasync_x.y.z_linux_amd64.tar.gz
    sha256sum --ignore-missing -c outtasync_x.y.z_checksums.txt
  4. If checksum validation goes through, uncompress the archive:

    tar -xzf outtasync_x.y.z_linux_amd64.tar.gz
    # profit!



outtasync is built using the awesome TUI framework bubbletea.