

Trustworthy Mail

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trustymail is a tool that evaluates SPF/DMARC records set in a domain's DNS. It also checks the mail servers listed in a domain's MX records for STARTTLS support. It saves its results to CSV or JSON.

Getting Started

trustymail can be installed as a module or run directly from the repository.

Installed as a module

trustymail can be installed directly via pip:

pip install trustymail

It can then be run directly:

trustymail [options] example.com

Running directly

To run the tool locally from the repository, without installing, first install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run the CLI:

python scripts/trustymail [options] example.com

Usage and examples

trustymail [options] INPUT

trustymail dhs.gov
trustymail --output=homeland.csv --debug dhs.gov us-cert.gov usss.gov
trustymail agencies.csv

Note: if INPUT ends with .csv, domains will be read from CSV. CSV output will always be written to disk, defaulting to results.csv.


  -h --help                   Show this message.
  -o --output=OUTFILE         Name of output file. (Default results)
  -t --timeout=TIMEOUT        The DNS lookup timeout in seconds. (Default is 5.)
  --smtp-timeout=TIMEOUT      The SMTP connection timeout in seconds. (Default 
                              is 5.)
  --smtp-localhost=HOSTNAME   The hostname to use when connecting to SMTP 
                              servers.  (Default is the FQDN of the host from
                              which trustymail is being run.)
  --smtp-ports=PORTS          A comma-delimited list of ports at which to look 
                              for SMTP servers.  (Default is '25,465,587'.)
  --no-smtp-cache             Do not cache SMTP results during the run.  This 
                              may results in slower scans due to testing the 
                              same mail servers multiple times.
  --mx                        Only check mx records
  --starttls                  Only check mx records and STARTTLS support. 
                              (Implies --mx.)
  --spf                       Only check spf records
  --dmarc                     Only check dmarc records
  --debug                     Output should include error messages.
  --dns=HOSTNAMES             A comma-delimited list of DNS servers to query 
                              against.  For example, if you want to use 
                              Google's DNS then you would use the 
                              value --dns-hostnames=','.  By 
                              default the DNS configuration of the host OS 
                              (/etc/resolv.conf) is used.  Note that 
                              the host's DNS configuration is not used at all 
                              if this option is used.
  --psl-filename=FILENAME     The name of the file where the public suffix list
                              (PSL) cache will be saved.  If set to the name of
                              an existing file then that file will be used as
                              the PSL.  If not present then the PSL cache will
                              be saved to a file in the current directory called
  --psl-read-only             If present, then the public suffix list (PSL) 
                              cache will be read but never overwritten.  This 
                              is useful when running in AWS Lambda, for
                              instance, where the local filesystem is read-only.

What's Checked?

For a given domain, MX records, SPF records (TXT), DMARC (TXT, at _dmarc.<domain>), and support for STARTTLS are checked.

The following values are returned in results.csv:

Domain and redirect info

Mail sending




Public domain

This project is in the worldwide public domain.

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.