

GAN-based Priors for Quantifying Uncertainty

This is an official TensorFlow implementation of GAN-based Priors for Quantifying Uncertainty in Supervised Learning work. Here, we provide code for our models, checkpoints (to be added) and dataset used to produce results of the paper.


Bayesian inference is a powerful method used extensively to quantify the uncertainty in an inferred field given the measurement of a related field when the two are linked by a mathematical model. Despite its many applications, Bayesian inference faces two major challenges:

  1. sampling from high dimensional posterior distributions and
  2. representing complex prior distributions that are difficult to characterize mathematically.

In this work we demonstrate how the approximate distribution learned by a generative adversarial network (GAN) may be used as a prior in a Bayesian update to address both these challenges.

We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach by inferring and quantifying uncertainty in inference problems arising in computer vision and physics-based applications. In both instances we highlight the role of computing uncertainty in providing a measure of confidence in the solution, and in designing successive measurements to improve this confidence.

Following animation shows how the proposed method can be used in active learning/design of experiments setting in deciding optimal sensor placement location:


Following figures demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method (in inferring field and quantifying uncertainty) for various inverse problems arising in computer vision and physics-based applications:

Image inpainting

<p align="center"> <img width="460" height="300" src="https://github.com/dhruvpatel108/GANPriors/blob/master/images/mnist_inpaint.png"> </p>

Image recovery/denoising

<p align="center"> <img width="460" height="300" src="https://github.com/dhruvpatel108/GANPriors/blob/master/images/celeba_recovery.png"> </p>

Initial condition inversion (heat conduction)

<p align="center"> <img width="360" height="200" src="https://github.com/dhruvpatel108/GANPriors/blob/master/images/ic_inversion.png"> </p>



Downloading and preparing dataset

After cloning the repo, first change directory to the dataset of interest and follow the steps below.


The proposed algorithm works in two steps: In first step, we train a GAN on a particular dataset to learn the prior distribution and in second step depending upon task at hand, we perform different inference steps.

Learning the prior distribution (training of GAN)

$ python trainer.py --epoch 100 --z_dim 100 --train_batch_size 64 --lr 0.001

Posterior inference

We propose different methods for probing posterior distribution in efficient way for different inference tasks.

  1. Image recovery/denoising:

    Here the goal is to infer the true field and associated uncertainty from a noisy measurement.

    $ python mcmc_sampler.py --digit 5 --noise_var 0.1
    $ python mcmc_stats.py --digit 5 --noise_var 0.1
    • Selected arguments (see config.py for more details):
      • --digit: an MNIST digit of interest (choose from [0,1,2,..,9])
      • --noise_var: variance of additive Gaussian noise in measurement
      • --n_mcmc: no. of MCMC samples
      • --batch_size: batch size for MCMC inference (should always be one)

    For CelebA, use --img_no argument instead of --digit (see config.py for details).

  2. Image inpainting:

    Here the goal is to infer the true field and associated uncertainty from a noisy and occluded measurement.

    $ python inpaint_sampler.py --digit 5 --noise_var 0.1
    $ python inpaint_stats.py --digit 5 --noise_var 0.1
    • Selected arguments (see config.py for more details):
      • --start_row: row index of top left corner of mask

      • --end_row: row index of bottom right corner of mask

      • --start_col: column index of top left corner of mask

      • --end_col: column index of bottom right corner of mask

    For CelebA, use --img_no argument instead of --digit (see config.py for details).

Cite the paper

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author = {Patel, Dhruv V. and Oberai, Assad A.},
doi = {10.1137/20M1354210},
journal = {SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification},
month = {jan},
number = {3},
pages = {1314--1343},
publisher = {Society for Industrial {\&} Applied Mathematics (SIAM)},
title = {{GAN-Based Priors for Quantifying Uncertainty in Supervised Learning}},
volume = {9},
year = {2021}