

<p align="center"><img src="https://github.com/dhondta/python-sploitkit/raw/main/docs/pages/img/logo.png"></p> <h1 align="center">SploitKit <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=SploitKit%20-%20Devkit%20for%20building%20Metasploit-like%20consoles.%0D%0APython%20library%20for%20easilly%20building%20framework%20consoles%20in%20a%20Metasploit-like%20style%20with%20a%20comprehensive%20API.%0D%0Ahttps%3a%2f%2fgithub%2ecom%2fdhondta%2fpython-sploitkit%0D%0A&hashtags=python,programming,devkit,framework,console,ctftools"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Tweet--lightgrey?logo=twitter&style=social" alt="Tweet" height="20"/></a></h1> <h3 align="center">Make a Metasploit-like console.</h3>

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This toolkit is aimed to easilly build framework consoles in a Metasploit-like style. It provides a comprehensive interface to define CLI commands, modules and models for its storage database.

pip install sploitkit

:sunglasses: Usage

From this point, main.py has the following code:

from sploitkit import FrameworkConsole

class MySploitConsole(FrameworkConsole):
    #TODO: set your console attributes

if __name__ == '__main__':
        #TODO: configure your console settings

And you can run it from the terminal:

:ballot_box_with_check: Features

Sploitkit provides a base set of entities (consoles, commands, modules, models).

Multiple base console levels already exist (for detailed descriptions, see the console section):

This framework provides more than 20 base commands, distributed in sets of functionalities (for detailed descriptions, see the command section):

It also holds some base models for its storage:

No module is provided with the framework as it is case-specific.

:pencil2: Customization

Sploitkit defines multiple types of entities for various purposes. The following entities can be subclassed:

:clap: Supporters

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