


var limiter = require('connect-ratelimit');

app = connect()
        whitelist: [''],
        blacklist: ['example.com']
      .use(function (req, res) {
        res.end('Hello world!');

connect-ratelimit is connect middleware for limiting the number of requests per client ip/hostname to your node server.

When a limit is reached the middleware will cancel the middleware chain early with res.end('Rate limit exceeded.') or you can optionally check for a limit exceeding yourself elsewhere down the chain.



Categories serve as configurable templates to manage different types of connecting clients. By default all clients are categorized as 'normal' but whitelist and blacklist categories also exist.


By default anyone uncategorized will be subject to 500 requests per hour.


By default client names in the whitelist will not have their requests limited.


By default client names in the blacklist will be subject to 0 requests per hours. In other words they will always be exceding the rate limit.

Client identification

connect-ratelimit uses the following code to identify clients:

req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress


var limiter = require('connect-ratelimit');

The middleware takes an options object with the following parameters:

Configuring the different categories

The categories property of the options object for the connect-limiter allows you to specify different totalRequests and every for specific categories.

A fully configured value of the categories property could like this:

  whitelist: {
    totalRequests: -1,
    every:         60 * 60 * 1000
  blacklist: {
    totalRequests: 0,
    every:         60 * 60 * 1000 
  normal: {
    totalRequests: 500,
    every:         60 * 60 * 1000

Setting totalRequests to 0 is how to block requests from a category entirely.

Setting totalRequests to -1 is how to remove request limits from a category entirely.

Below is how you can switch from an hourly rate to a half-hourly rate for all categories but blacklist.

  whitelist: ['dharmafly.com'],
  categories: {
    normal: {
      every: (60 * 60 * 1000) / 2
    whitelist: {
      every: (60 * 60 * 1000) / 2

You don't need to set every category, just the properties you want to change.


connect is required for the example to run.

npm install connect

To play with the example app run the command below and navigate to localhost:4000

node example.js