


This repo is about finetuning some famous convolutional neural nets using TensorFlow.



Dataset file

You need to setup two dataset files for training and validation. The format must be like following:

/absolute/path/to/image1.jpg class_index
/absolute/path/to/image2.jpg class_index

class_index must start from 0.

Sample dataset files can be found at data/train.txt and data/val.txt.

Do not forget to pass --num_classes flag when running finetune.py script.


Go into alexnet folder

cd alexnet


Download the weights if you hadn't before.


Run the finetune.py script with your options.

python finetune.py \
    --training_file=../data/train.txt \
    --val_file=../data/val.txt \
    --num_classes 26
--training_file../data/train.txtTraining dataset file
--val_file../data/val.txtValidation dataset file
--num_classes26Number of classes
--train_layersfc8,fc7Layers to be finetuned, seperated by commas. Avaliable layers: fc8, fc7, fc6, conv5, conv4, conv3, conv2, conv1
--num_epochs10How many epochs to run training
--learning_rate0.0001Learning rate for ADAM optimizer
--dropout_keep_prob0.5Dropout keep probability
--batch_size128Batch size
--multi_scaleAs a preprocessing step, it scalse the image randomly between 2 numbers and crop randomly at network's input size. For example if you set it 228,256: - Select a random number between 228 and 256 -- S - Scale input image to S x S pixels - Crop it 227x227 randomly
--tensorboard_root_dir../trainingRoot directory to put the training logs and weights
--log_step10Logging period in terms of a batch run

You can observe finetuning with the tensorboard.

tensorboard --logdir ../training

Testing a dataset file

At the end of each epoch while finetuning, the current state of the weights are saved into ../training folder (or any folder you specified with --tensorboard_root_dir option). Go to that folder and locate the model and epoch you want to test.

You must have your test dataset file as mentinoned before.

python test.py \
    --ckpt ../training/alexnet_XXXXX_XXXX/checkpoint/model_epoch1.ckpt \
    --num_classes 26 \
    --test_file ../data/test.txt
--ckptCheckpoint path; it must end with ".ckpt"
--num_classes26Number of classes
--test_file../data/val.txtTest dataset file
--batch_size128Batch size

Predicting a single image

python predict.py \
    --ckpt ../training/alexnet_XXXXX_XXXX/checkpoint/model_epoch1.ckpt \
--ckptCheckpoint path; it must end with ".ckpt"
--num_classes26Number of classes
--input_imageThe path of input image


Go into vggnet folder

cd vggnet


Download the weights if you hadn't before.


Run the finetune.py script with your options.

python finetune.py \
    --training_file=../data/train.txt \
    --val_file=../data/val.txt \
    --num_classes 26
--training_file../data/train.txtTraining dataset file
--val_file../data/val.txtValidation dataset file
--num_classes26Number of classes
--train_layersfc8,fc7Layers to be finetuned, seperated by commas. Avaliable layers: fc8, fc7, fc6, conv5_1, conv5_2, conv5_3, conv4_1, conv4_2, conv4_3, conv3_1, conv3_2, conv3_3, conv2_1, conv2_2, conv1_1, conv1_2
--num_epochs10How many epochs to run training
--learning_rate0.0001Learning rate for ADAM optimizer
--dropout_keep_prob0.5Dropout keep probability
--batch_size128Batch size
--multi_scaleAs a preprocessing step, it scalse the image randomly between 2 numbers and crop randomly at network's input size. For example if you set it 228,256: - Select a random number between 228 and 256 -- S - Scale input image to S x S pixels - Crop it 224x224 randomly
--tensorboard_root_dir../trainingRoot directory to put the training logs and weights
--log_step10Logging period in terms of a batch run

You can observe finetuning with the tensorboard.

tensorboard --logdir ../training

Testing a dataset file

At the end of each epoch while finetuning, the current state of the weights are saved into ../training folder (or any folder you specified with --tensorboard_root_dir option). Go to that folder and locate the model and epoch you want to test.

You must have your test dataset file as mentinoned before.

python test.py \
    --ckpt ../training/vggnet_XXXXX_XXXX/checkpoint/model_epoch1.ckpt \
    --num_classes 26 \
    --test_file ../data/test.txt
--ckptCheckpoint path; it must end with ".ckpt"
--num_classes26Number of classes
--test_file../data/val.txtTest dataset file
--batch_size128Batch size

Predicting a single image

python predict.py \
    --ckpt ../training/vggnet_XXXXX_XXXX/checkpoint/model_epoch1.ckpt \
--ckptCheckpoint path; it must end with ".ckpt"
--num_classes26Number of classes
--input_imageThe path of input image


Go into resnet folder

cd resnet


Download the weights if you hadn't before.


Run the finetune.py script with your options.

python finetune.py \
    --training_file=../data/train.txt \
    --val_file=../data/val.txt \
    --num_classes 26
--resnet_depth50ResNet architecture to be used: 50, 101 or 152
--training_file../data/train.txtTraining dataset file
--val_file../data/val.txtValidation dataset file
--num_classes26Number of classes
--train_layersfcLayers to be finetuned, seperated by commas. Fully-connected last layer: fc, tho whole 5th layer: scale5, or some blocks of a layer: scale4/block6,scale4/block5
--num_epochs10How many epochs to run training
--learning_rate0.0001Learning rate for ADAM optimizer
--dropout_keep_prob0.5Dropout keep probability
--batch_size128Batch size
--multi_scaleAs a preprocessing step, it scalse the image randomly between 2 numbers and crop randomly at network's input size. For example if you set it 228,256: - Select a random number between 228 and 256 -- S - Scale input image to S x S pixels - Crop it 224x224 randomly
--tensorboard_root_dir../trainingRoot directory to put the training logs and weights
--log_step10Logging period in terms of a batch run

You can observe finetuning with the tensorboard.

tensorboard --logdir ../training

Testing a dataset file

At the end of each epoch while finetuning, the current state of the weights are saved into ../training folder (or any folder you specified with --tensorboard_root_dir option). Go to that folder and locate the model and epoch you want to test.

You must have your test dataset file as mentinoned before.

python test.py \
    --ckpt ../training/resnet_XXXXX_XXXX/checkpoint/model_epoch1.ckpt \
    --num_classes 26 \
    --test_file ../data/test.txt
--ckptCheckpoint path; it must end with ".ckpt"
--resnet_depth50ResNet architecture to be used: 50, 101 or 152
--num_classes26Number of classes
--test_file../data/val.txtTest dataset file
--batch_size128Batch size

Predicting a single image

python predict.py \
    --ckpt ../training/resnet_XXXXX_XXXX/checkpoint/model_epoch1.ckpt \
--ckptCheckpoint path; it must end with ".ckpt"
--resnet_depth50ResNet architecture to be used: 50, 101 or 152
--num_classes26Number of classes
--input_imageThe path of input image