

Python For Maya: Artist Friendly Programming

Table of Contents

Course Outline

Code samples for people who take part in my Python for Maya course

The course is available here <a href="https://www.udemy.com/python-for-maya/?couponCode=TWITTER16BF">

<p>Python For Maya: Artist Friendly Programming</p> <br/><img src="http://dgovil.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/1009476_7f51_2.jpg"> </a>

This course will teach Python for Maya using an artist friendly approach, by breaking down concepts into small digestible pieces and giving projects with real world use.

About Me

You can also find more information about me on my website


Projects We'll Be Completing

During the course, we'll create a few different projects to both showcase how Python is useful in a real world context,and to learn new concepts

Tools That Will Be Used

For the course we will use the following

Libraries That Will Be Covered

The course will cover the following libraries

Other Resources


Just a note that these links are affiliate links that will go to your local Amazon storefront.

This is for MEL and C++ obviously, and quite an old book, but it's one that is still incredibly useful if you're interested in those languages, and one that many developers have learned from.

Websites and Blogs

Rigging Dojo is the online school for rigging and technical skills. They have a ton of great mentored courses on Python, C++, Rigging etc..

A quick introduction to using PyQt4 and PyQt5. If you're using PySide, just replace the library name. This is where I learned to use PyQt4 from when I was teaching myself Python, and it's the first place I point people to when they want to learn.