

2006rebotted - an open source, actively developed emulation server. Pull requests welcome! Gameplay Image

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/hZ6VfWG

How to Play

Client (non-bottable download): https://github.com/dginovker/2006rebotted/releases/

Parabot client (recommended): https://www.parabot.org/community/

Rune-Server project thread: Project thread

Installation + Running (Developers)

  1. Import Project in IntelliJ

  2. Hit File > Project Settings > Set SDK to Java 8 (Download Java 8 SDK if you don't have one already)

  3. Navigate to 2006Redone file_server > src > main > java > org.apollo.jagcached, right click FileServer and hit Run Image

  4. Navigate to 2006Redone Server > src > main > java > com.rebotted, right click GameEngine and hit Run Image

  5. Navigate to 2006Redone Server > src > main > java, right click Client and hit Run Image


To compile any module from the command line, run mvn clean install

How to get your code onto this project page

See this forum post.

Using Parabot with your local server:

    "name": "localhost",
    "author": "RedSparr0w",
    "version": 1.0,
    "client-class": "LocalGame",
        "provider": "pathToYourJar/Provider-1.21.5.jar",
        "server": "pathToYourJar/localhost_2006rebotted.jar",
        "hooks": "http://bdn.parabot.org/data/hooks/carmeuses/2006rebotted_hooks.xml"

(you will need to put the path to the jar files yourself)

java -jar Client-2.8.1.jar -login username password -loadlocal -v -clearcache

Server source layout

Building from command line

Run mvn -B clean install