

Apache Base Image

[!WARNING] Since PHP 7.4 reached EOL in January 2023, the default branch of this Apache Repo is changed in August 2023 to PHP8 – and so the latest tag will contain PHP 8 instead of PHP 7 ... the php7 tag will contain the PHP 7 version in future still.

Provisioned by devops-ansible.de

Base-usage is to provide a as far as possible customizable Apache Webserver for (almost) every PHP-Application.

Within this Repository you only find the Dockerfile and the pipeline configuration to build the image.

How to get this container run

Environmental Variables

This image is customizable by these environmental variables:

envdefaultchange recommendeddescription
NODE_ENVproductionyesNode environment definition – by this setting, devDependencies are not installed by running npm install. FOR DEVELOPMENT set to anything else than production!
COMPOSER_NO_DEV1yesanaloguous to NODE_ENV this now defaults to a prod environment for composer installation
PHP_TIMEZONEEurope/Berlinyestimezone-file to use as default – can be one value selected out of /usr/share/zoneinfo/, i.e. <region>/<city>
APACHE_WORKDIR/var/www/htmlyeshome folder of apache web application
APACHE_LOG_DIR/var/log/apache2yesfolder for log files of apache
APACHE_PUBLIC_DIR$APACHE_WORKDIRyesfolder used within apache configuration to be published – can be usefull if i.e. subfolder public of webproject should be exposed. Should regularly be child of APACHE_WORKDIR.
PHP_XDEBUG0yesYou can use this to enable xdebug. start-apache2 script will enable xdebug if PHP_XDEBUG is set to 1
MODSnospace separated list of PHP modules to be enabled on boot – modules have to be installed (i.e. through a special bootup script within /boot.d/-folder)
YESWWWfalseyesDuplicate content has to be avoided – therefore a decision for containers delivering content of www.domain.tld and domain.tld has to be made which one should be the mainly used one. YESWWW will be overridden by NOWWW if both are true.
HTTPStrueyesrelevant for YESWWW and NOWWW since config rules have to be adjusted.
PHPINI{}yesJSON-String of key value dictionary to define additional ini settings for php.ini, i.e. {"post_max_size":"250M","upload_max_filesize":"250M"}
SMTP_HOSTyesshould be set to your smtp host, i.e. mail.example.com
SMTP_PORTyesdefaults to 587
SMTP_FROMyesshould be set to your sending from address, i.e. motiontool@example.com
SMTP_USERyesdefaults to SMTP_FROM and has to be the user, you are authenticating on the SMTP_HOST
SMTP_PASSyesshould be set to your plaintext(!) smtp password, i.e. I'm very Secr3t!
WORKINGUSERwww-datanouser that works as apache user – not implemented changable
TERMxtermnoset terminal type – default xterm provides 16 colors
DEBIAN_FRONTENDnoninteractivenoset frontent to use – default self-explaining
START_CRON0if cron neededset to 1 if cron should be startet at boot of the container
CRON_PATH/etc/cron.d/dockernopath to default cron file that will be provided with the default crontab content, see below
APACHE_ADDITIONALyesadditional configuration for apache – may be multiline content, but is no more Portainer-safe if multiline!
DISABLE_CHOWNnodisable the user change for all files in $HOME of WORKINGUSER and APACHE_WORKDIR.
WWW_UIDnochange www-data UID
WWW_GIDnochange www-data GID
CHOWN_DEBUGnowill output debug messages while running chown

Installed Tools

software-properties-common, procpssimplify further installations
python-setuptools, python-pip, python-pkg-resourcessimplify python installations
python-jinja2, j2cliused for template provisioning
python-yaml, python-paramikoprovision Image for further provisioning via Ansible
python-httplib2Small, fast HTTP client library for Python
python-keyczarToolkit for safe and simple cryptography
htop, tree, tmux, screen, sudo, git, zsh, ssh, screenusefull ops tools – oh-my-zsh is installed further
supervisorprocess manager that allows to manage long-running programs
gnupg, opensslencryption tools
curl, wgetfetch remote content
mysql-client, libpq-dev, postgresql-client, sqlite3, libsqlite3-devinstall database things – except of SQLite3 no real database is installed since full databases should run at least on a separate container
libkrb5-dev, libc-client-devdevtools especially for email
zlib1g-devcompression library
libfreetype6-dev, libjpeg62-turbo-dev, libmcrypt-dev, libpng-devsimplify working with and on images
nodejs + npmjavascript development tools – LTS stream
composerphp package manager
msmtp, msmtp-mtasimple and easy to use SMTP client replacing sendmail
cronrecurring tasks – has to be activated by ENV variables

PHP Libraries installed

imap, pdo, pdo_mysql, imap, zip, gd, exif, mcrypt

PHP Modules enabled


Files and directories to be aware of

/boot.d/ – direcotry for additional scripts on bootup

If you want to do the container sth on bootup, this folder is the location to place your *.sh-files.

/templates/apache.j2 – the Apache Config

The apache config used within containers of this image. It will be provisioned at every start of the container – so you should consider to mount a new template instead of mounting a default apache config directly.

<details> <summary>Full Template</summary>
<VirtualHost *:80>

    ServerAdmin root
    DocumentRoot {{ APACHE_PUBLIC_DIR | default(APACHE_WORKDIR) }}

    <Directory {{ APACHE_PUBLIC_DIR | default(APACHE_WORKDIR) }}/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all

    AccessFileName .htaccess
	<FilesMatch "^\.ht">
		Require all denied

    LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost_combined
	LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
	LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O" common
	LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
	LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent

    CustomLog /proc/self/fd/1 combined

    <FilesMatch \.php$>
		SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

    ErrorLog {{ APACHE_LOG_DIR }}/error.log
    CustomLog {{ APACHE_LOG_DIR }}/access.log combined

    # Multiple DirectoryIndex directives within the same context will add
	# to the list of resources to look for rather than replace
	# https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_dir.html#directoryindex
	DirectoryIndex disabled
	DirectoryIndex index.php index.html


Default cron entries

By default the CRON_PATH variable directs to /etc/cron.d/docker. You should mount that file from your host data or a volume.
If you mount an empty file for the beginning, that would be fine since if the file is empty at boot, the following default content with comments and description of the cron file will be provided into it:

# This crontab file holds commands for all users to be run by
# cron. Each command is to be defined within a separate line.
# To define the time you can provide concrete (numeric) values,
# comma separate them or use `*` to use any of the possible
# values.
# You can also use basic calculation - i.e. if you want to run
# a job every 20th minute use `*/20`.
# The tasks will be started based on the system time and
# timezone.
# The example below would print a message to the STDOUT of the
# docker container and - if any error does occur – the errors
# will be printed to the STDERR of the container.
# Please be aware that you are locating the crontab file within
# `/etc/cron.d` directory and for that there is also the need
# to define the user who should run the cron command!
# ┌────────────────────────────────── minute (0-59)
# │    ┌───────────────────────────── hour (0-23)
# │    │    ┌──────────────────────── day (1-31)
# │    │    │    ┌─────────────────── month (1-12)
# │    │    │    │    ┌────────────── day of week (0-6, sunday equals 0)
# │    │    │    │    │    ┌───────── user
# │    │    │    │    │    │    ┌──── command
# │    │    │    │    │    │    │
# ┴    ┴    ┴    ┴    ┴    ┴    ┴
# */20 *    *    *    *    root echo 'this is a demonstration cronjob'  1> /proc/1/fd/1  2> /proc/1/fd/2

Contribution guidelines

This Repository is Creative Commons non Commercial - You can contribute by forking and using pull requests. The team will review them asap.

last built

2024-12-15 22:45:04