


A lightweight, zero-dependency library for waiting asynchronously until a specific condition is met. Works in any JavaScript environment that supports Promises, including older Node.js versions and browsers (with polyfills if necessary).

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๐Ÿš€ Installation

Install using npm:

npm install async-wait-until

The library includes UMD, CommonJS, and ESM bundles, so you can use it in any environment.

import { waitUntil } from 'async-wait-until';

// Example: Wait for an element to appear
await waitUntil(() => document.querySelector('#target') !== null);

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ How to Use

Basic Example: Wait for a DOM Element

import { waitUntil } from 'async-wait-until';

const waitForElement = async () => {
  // Wait for an element with the ID "target" to appear
  const element = await waitUntil(() => document.querySelector('#target'), { timeout: 5000 });
  console.log('Element found:', element);


Handling Timeouts

If the condition is not met within the timeout, a TimeoutError is thrown.

import { waitUntil, TimeoutError } from 'async-wait-until';

const waitForElement = async () => {
  try {
    const element = await waitUntil(() => document.querySelector('#target'), { timeout: 5000 });
    console.log('Element found:', element);
  } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof TimeoutError) {
      console.error('Timeout: Element not found');
    } else {
      console.error('Unexpected error:', error);


๐Ÿ“š API

waitUntil(predicate, options)

Waits for the predicate function to return a truthy value and resolves with that value.


predicateFunctionโœ… Yes-A function that returns a truthy value (or a Promise for one).
options.timeoutnumber๐Ÿšซ No5000 msMaximum wait time before throwing TimeoutError. Use WAIT_FOREVER for no timeout.
options.intervalBetweenAttemptsnumber๐Ÿšซ No50 msInterval between predicate evaluations.

๐Ÿ’ก Recipes

Wait Indefinitely

Use WAIT_FOREVER to wait without a timeout:

import { waitUntil, WAIT_FOREVER } from 'async-wait-until';

await waitUntil(() => someCondition, { timeout: WAIT_FOREVER });

Adjust Retry Interval

Change how often the predicate is evaluated:

await waitUntil(() => someCondition, { intervalBetweenAttempts: 1000 }); // Check every 1 second

๐Ÿงช Development and Testing

Contributions are welcome! To contribute:

  1. Fork and clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies: npm install.
  3. Use the following commands: