

fastai serving

A Docker image for serving fastai models, mimicking the API of Tensorflow Serving. It is designed for running batch inference at scale. It is not optimized for performance (but it's not that slow).


First, export a fastai Learner with .export. Assuming that this file is in model_dir, you can build the serving image like so:

# docker build -f Dockerfile.[cpu/gpu] --build-arg MODEL_DIR=./model_dir -t <org>/<image>:<tag> .`

If you require additional utils files for loading the model with load_learner, you can mount an additional directory at build time with:

# docker build -f Dockerfile.[cpu/gpu] --build-arg MODEL_DIR=./model_dir --build-arg UTILS_DIR=./utils -t org/image:tag .`


docker run --rm -p 8501:8501 -t org/image:tag .


The API currently has two endpoints:

POST /analyze:predict

Accepts a JSON request in the form:

  "instances": [
      "image_bytes": {
        "b64": "[b64_string]"

where each b64_string is a base-64 encoded string representing the model input.

GET /analyze

Returns an HTTP Status of 200 as long as the API is running (health check).

Limitations, Motivation, and Future Directions
