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Render JSX/Hyperscript to HTML strings, without VDOM

Need to use HTML strings (angular?) but want to use JSX? vhtml's got your back.

Building components? do yourself a favor and use <img title="Preact" alt="Preact" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/developit/b4416d5c92b743dbaec1e68bc4c27cda/raw/8dd78c9d138f13e3fec98cbdd6d1c619cf986ee0/preact-logo-trans.svg" height="24" align="top">

JSFiddle Demo


Via npm:

npm install --save vhtml


// import the library:
import h from 'vhtml';

// tell babel to transpile JSX to h() calls:
/** @jsx h */

// now render JSX to an HTML string!
let items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];

document.body.innerHTML = (
  <div class="foo">
    <p>Here is a list of {items.length} items:</p>
      { items.map( item => (
        <li>{ item }</li>
      )) }

New: "Sortof" Components!

vhtml intentionally does not transform JSX to a Virtual DOM, instead serializing it directly to HTML. However, it's still possible to make use of basic Pure Functional Components as a sort of "template partial".

When vhtml is given a Function as the JSX tag name, it will invoke that function and pass it { children, ...props }. This is the same signature as a Pure Functional Component in react/preact, except children is an Array of already-serialized HTML strings.

This actually means it's possible to build compositional template modifiers with these simple Components, or even higher-order components.

Here's a more complex version of the previous example that uses a component to encapsulate iteration items:

let items = ['one', 'two'];

const Item = ({ item, index, children }) => (
  <li id={index}>

  <div class="foo">
      { items.map( (item, index) => (
        <Item {...{ item, index }}>
          This is item {item}!
      )) }

The above outputs the following HTML:

<div class="foo">
    <li id="0">
      <h4>one</h4>This is item one!
    <li id="1">
      <h4>two</h4>This is item two!