

Laravel Auto Create Model, Migration, and Table

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This package automatically create and generate migration files for your Laravel application. With this feature, you can quickly create database structures without writing SQL code manually. Simply specify the model you want to create, and this package will handle the rest, streamlining development and minimizing human errors.



You can install the package via composer:

composer require developerawam/generate-migration

Publish the Assets

Run the following Artisan command to publish the assets to your Laravel application's public directory:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=assets


After installation, you can access the user interface to auto create generate models, migrations, and tables by visiting the following URL in your browser:


This screenshot showcases the user interface provided by the package. The interface allows users to easily generate models, migrations, and database tables in a Laravel project through a simple and intuitive UI.

UI Screenshot

Use the GenerateMigration class to create a migration with the desired table name and columns. The example code below demonstrates how to create a migration for a post table with columns:

    use Developerawam\GenerateMigration\GenerateMigration;

    // table name example
    $table_name = "post";

    // table column example
    $table_colom = [
            "name"      => "name",
            "type"      => "string",
            "default"   => null
            "name"      => "description",
            "type"      => "text",
            "default"   => null
            "name"      => "age",
            "type"      => "integer",
            "default"   => 20
            "name"      => "views",
            "type"      => "bigInteger",
            "default"   => 0
            "name"      => "price",
            "type"      => "decimal",
            "precision" => 8,
            "scale"     => 2,
            "default"   => 0.00
            "name"      => "rating",
            "type"      => "float",
            "precision" => 8,
            "scale"     => 2,
            "default"   => 0.00
            "name"      => "birthdate",
            "type"      => "date",
            "default"   => "2000-01-01"
            "name"      => "appointment_time",
            "type"      => "time",
            "default"   => "12:00:00"
            "name"      => "created_at",
            "type"      => "timestamp",
            "default"   => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
            "name"      => "is_active",
            "type"      => "boolean",
            "default"   => true
            "name"      => "status",
            "type"      => "enum",
            "values"    => ["pending", "approved", "rejected"],
            "default"   => "pending"
            "name"      => "settings",
            "type"      => "json",
            "default"   => "{\"theme\": \"dark\", \"notifications\": true}"

    // table_name must be string
    // table_column must be array object
    GenerateMigration::create($table_name, $table_colom);

Code Explanation


composer test

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.

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