


Mac OSX app from the slide-beacon project made with Electron. Share links from your computer using this app to broadcast them as a Physical Web Eddystone URL bluetooth beacon or mDNS.

To discover shared URLs wirelessly via bluetooth, use the physical-web-scan-app, or see the Physical Web website for Android and iOS clients.

Enter URLs manually or use this reveal.js plugin to share links in presentational slides.

Download pre-built binary or follow the instructions below to run with Electron or build your own binary.

Prerequisites to build

Install and build

After cloning or downloading this repo, install the dependencies listed in package.json:

npm install

Note: this currently uses a git url to get latest version of Bleno with High Sierra support.

Rebuild native modules for Electron use:

node ./node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild

Run as Electron app:

npm run electron

Package as standalone Mac OSX app:

npm run package

Note: Edit the electron-packager options to your liking in the scripts section of package.json