


Provide location and bearing/heading, get the public transport vehicle you're most likely in.

Location and bearing/heading are expected to be inaccurate because they come from a mobile device. Also, The vehicle movements from the underlying radar() API are often not the actual position, but the estimated position, based on their current delays and their track. To compensate for this, hafas-find-trips

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npm install hafas-find-trips


Provide a track of user locations from the last ~10 seconds as GeoJSON LineString. If possible, provide a product in addition.

const findTrips = require('hafas-find-trips')
const createHafas = require('vbb-hafas')

const hafas = createHafas('my-awesome-program')

findTrips(hafas, {
	recording: {
		type: 'Feature',
		properties: {},
		geometry: { // GeoJSON LineString
			type: 'LineString',
			coordinates: [ /* … */ ]
	product: 'subway' // optional
.then((matches) => {
	for (let match of matches) {
		const m = match.movement
		console.log(match.score, m.line.name, m.direction, m.location)
.catch((err) => {
	process.exitCode = 1

If you don't provide the product, it will instead apply its heuristic to all vehicles nearby.


If you have a question or have difficulties using hafas-find-trips, please double-check your code and setup first. If you think you have found a bug or want to propose a feature, refer to the issues page.