

Dazbo's Advent of Code

See my walkthroughs here.


Dazbo's AoC Walkthroughs

Purpose of this Repo

I've been using Advent of Code as a way to improve my Python skills. Here I document my solutions across the various AoC years. My hope is that this guide will help others to:

Structure of this Repo

Use of my Code

This software is shared as open source. However, if you use it in your own solutions and/or incorporate into your own repos, please consider giving acknowledgement to me, and linking back to this repo and walkthrough site. That would be really kind!

What is Advent of Code?

An awesome coding challenge created by Eric Wastl, released every December. A new problem is presented each day through the month. Typically the best way to solve any given problem is by writing a program. The program can be written in any language and with any tools you like. You don't need to be an expert coder to do AoC; in fact, AoC is a great way to learn a programming language.

Some problems are quite trivial and can be solved quickly; others can be a total PITA. Typically, the problems get harder as the month progresses.

You don't have to wait until December to try your hand at AoC though. All the previous events are available, and can be completed at any time.

Each day is split into a Part 1 and a Part 2. A star is awarded for each completed challenge.

If you get 50 stars, you save Christmas!