


Build DePHY application on ESP32C3 with esp-idf and Rust!

This boilderplate brings you:

And also:

How to build

  1. Install Rust following the official document.
  2. Install dependencies and tools:
# macOS
brew install libuv
# Debian/Ubuntu/etc.
apt-get install libuv-dev
# Fedora
dnf install systemd-devel

rustup toolchain install nightly --component rust-src
rustup target add riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf

cargo install ldproxy
cargo install espup
cargo install espflash
cargo install cargo-espflash
  1. Create a build.env and apply some configurations on it:
cp example.build.env build.env

# or just create the file
touch build.env
  1. Build and flash:
cargo run

# equals to
cargo espflash flash --monitor --partition-table huge_app.csv

Booting Behavior

  1. The firmware checks if keys are burnt in eFuse, if no, it enters Key Inspect Mode:

    1. it checks if keys are burnt in eFuse, if yes, jump to v.;
    2. it starts Wi-Fi and BLE modem for collecting entropy for hardware RNG;
    3. it waits for about 1 hour before generate the key, during this, the 2 LEDs will blink alternately;
    4. it generates a random private key from the hardware RNG and writes it to eFuse;
    5. it prints device name with MAC address, public key, and the corresponding ethereum address to the serial console every 10 seconds, during this, the 2 LEDs will blink simultaneously.
  2. The firmware checks if the Wi-Fi should be provisioned, if no, it enters Wi-Fi Provisioning Mode:

    • it uses the Unified Provisioning protocol provided by the esp-idf SDK;
    • official provisioning app provided by Espressif are available for iOS(App Store, Source) and Android(Google Play, APK, Source).
    • the firmware will start the provisioning session in BLE mode with Security 1 Scheme, the pop parameter is set to abcd1234(default value in official provisioning Apps) for convenient testing;
    • the 2 LEDs will blink alternately and rapidly during the provisioning session.
  3. If keys and Wi-Fi are well provisioned, the firmware waits for button input for boot modes:

    • during waiting, the 2 LEDs will blink simultaneously and rapidly;
    • press the button for 2-6 seconds then release it, the firmware enters Wi-Fi Provisioning Mode(referring to 2.);
    • press the button for more than 12 seconds, the firmware enters Key Inspect Mode(referring to 1.);
    • if there had been no input for 12 seconds, the firmware starts the app.

Build Configurations

Build configurations are stored in build.env and only being read on building.

KeyRust TypeComment
BUILD_PRINT_EXPANDED_ENVboolWeather to print generated codes in cargo run. Default to be false.
DEPHY_ENDPOINT_HTTP&strThe endpoint to publish DePHY messages. Default to be https://send.testnet.dephy.io/dephy/signed_message.
APP_SEND_LOOP_DURATIONu64Time duration of one cycle in the send loop in seconds. Default to be 10.