

Hear The Flow: Optical Flow-Based Self-Supervised Visual Sound Source Localization

Official Repository for the 2023 WACV paper: "Hear The Flow: Optical Flow-Based Self-Supervised Visual Sound Source Localization"


Learning to localize the sound source in videos without explicit annotations is a novel area of audio-visual research. Existing work in this area focuses on creating attention maps to capture the correlation between the two modalities to localize the source of the sound. In a video, oftentimes, the objects exhibiting movement are the ones generating the sound. In this work, we capture this characteristic by modeling the optical flow in a video as a prior to better aid in localizing the sound source. We further demonstrate that the addition of flow-based attention substantially improves visual sound source localization. Finally, we benchmark our method on standard sound source localization datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Soundnet Flickr and VGG Sound Source datasets.

Model Figure

Installing The Environment

Create a virtual environment (Optional) and install necessary packages using:

python3 -m venv venv

pip install --upgrade pip

pip install -r requirements.txt --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116

source venv/bin/activate

Dataset Preprocessing

Flickr SoundNet

Download the Flickr SoundNet data using resources found in flickr-soundnet-dl.

Download the Flickr SoundNet testing dataset from Learning to localize sound sources.

We separate train and test samples by splitting SoundNet's urls_public.txt into train and test portions and then download each separately. You can accomplish this by looking at id's present in metadata/flickr_test_trimmed.csv and metadata/flickr_test_expanded.csv.

WARNING: Make sure to set infinite duration to download test videos. Not doing so will cause errors in dataset construction

After downloading the Flickr SoundNet data (folder structure should resemble data/ with audio/ and video/ within it), you will most likely be missing a portion of data due to videos being removed or deleted. We provide the exact data we used to train and test, provided in metadata/. You may construct your own .csv and .txt files of the data you have available.

Once your data is downloaded with new train and test files, run the following preproccessing scripts:

python preprocess/preprocess_flickr_train.py

python preprocess/preprocess_flickr_test.py

VGG Sound & VGG Sound Source

These instructions are coming soon!

Pretrained Models

We release models pretrained on Flickr SoundNet and VGG Sound. You may freely use these to experiment and test with.

Once downloaded, place the .pth files into weights/

Testing Provided Models

Example script to test on Flickr SoundNet:

python test.py --test_data_path <test folder path> --gt_path <path to Annotation folder> --testset <flickr, flickr_expanded> --gpus 1 --ckpt weights/flickr.pth

Training Your Own Model

Example script to train on 10k Flickr samples:

python3 train.py --train_data_path <train folder path> --test_data_path <test folder path> --gt_path <path to Annotation folder> --trainset flickr_train_10k --testset flickr --epochs 100 --batch_size 128 --lr 0.001 --flow 1 --gpus 1 --freeze_vision 1 --name "<your experiment name>"

Testing Your Own Model

If you want to test your own model you trained, you can use the .ckpt file Pytorch Lightning automatically saves, found in logs/<experiment name>/best.ckpt.


If you use our code, please cite the following paper:

  title={Hear The Flow: Optical Flow-Based Self-Supervised Visual Sound Source Localization},
  author={Fedorishin, Dennis and Mohan, Deen Dayal and Jawade, Bhavin and Setlur, Srirangaraj and Govindaraju, Venu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.03019},


Here are related works, codebases we have built off of, and other great resources in this area of research. Please check them out!

Misc. Notes

Due to code/data modifications, the expanded Flickr SoundNet testing set has 1,666 samples instead of 1,769 reported in the paper's supplementary material. This change has little-to-no change in testing results.