

Test Image 4

Official MOTChallenge Evaluation Kit

This repository contains the evaluation scripts for all challenges, available at www.MOTChallenge.net. This devkit replaces the previous version that used to be accessible over https://bitbucket.org/amilan/motchallenge-devkit and is no longer maintained.

- The MOT evaluation code is not any longer maintained. 

Please visit the new official python evaluation code.



All evaluation scripts assume the following directory structure:


This directory contains the tracking results (for each sequence); result files should be placed to subfolders


Sequence lists for all supported different benchmarks


This directory contains the ground truth data (for several different sequences/challenges)


This directory is for the visualization of results or annotations

Evaluation Scripts

This repo provides the evaluation scripts for the following challenges of www.motchallenge.net:

MOT - Multi-Object Tracking - MOT15, MOT16, MOT17, MOT20

- The MOT evaluation code is not any longer maintained. 

Please visit the new official python evaluation code.

MOT Evaluation

Challenge NameData url
2D MOT 15https://motchallenge.net/data/2D_MOT_2015/
MOT 16https://motchallenge.net/data/MOT16/
MOT 17https://motchallenge.net/data/MOT17/
MOT 20https://motchallenge.net/data/MOT20/

DET - Multi-Object Detection - MOT16Det, MOT20Det

DET Evaluation

Challenge NameData url

MOTS - Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation - MOTS20

MOTS Evaluation

Challenge NameData url


ZF3D Evaluation

Challenge NameData url

TAO - Tracking Any Object Challenge

TAO Evaluation

Challenge NameData url

Feedback and contact

We are constantly working on improving our benchmark to provide the best performance to the community. You can help us to make the benchmark better to open issues in the repo and report bugs to the author:

Patrick Dendorfer - patrick.dendorfer@tum.de