


This library implements the Distributed Data Protocol (DDP) from Meteor for clients on Android.

Connect your native Android apps, written in Java, to apps built with the Meteor framework and build real-time features.





Using databases to manage data

Enabling a database

Pass an instance of Database to the constructor. Right now, the only subclass provided as a built-in database is InMemoryDatabase. So the code for the constructor becomes:

mMeteor = new Meteor(this, "ws://example.meteor.com/websocket", new InMemoryDatabase());

After that change, all data received from the server will automatically be parsed, updated and managed for you in the built-in database. That means no manual JSON parsing!

So whenever you receive data notifications via onDataAdded, onDataChanged or onDataRemoved, that data has already been merged into the database and can be retrieved from there. In these callbacks, you can thus ignore the parameters containing JSON data and instead get the data from your database.

Accessing the database

Database database = mMeteor.getDatabase();

This method call and most of the following method calls can be chained for simplicity.

Getting a collection from the database by name

// String collectionName = "myCollection";
Collection collection = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName);

Retrieving the names of all collections from the database

String[] collectionNames = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollectionNames();

Fetching the number of collections from the database

int numCollections = mMeteor.getDatabase().count();

Getting a document from a collection by ID

// String documentId = "wjQvNQ6sGjzLMDyiJ";
Document document = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).getDocument(documentId);

Retrieving the IDs of all documents from a collection

String[] documentIds = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).getDocumentIds();

Fetching the number of documents from a collection

int numDocuments = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).count();

Querying a collection for documents

Any of the following method calls can be chained and combined in any way to select documents via complex queries.

// String fieldName = "age";
// int fieldValue = 62;
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereEqual(fieldName, fieldValue);
// String fieldName = "active";
// int fieldValue = false;
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereNotEqual(fieldName, fieldValue);
// String fieldName = "accountBalance";
// float fieldValue = 100000.00f;
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereLessThan(fieldName, fieldValue);
// String fieldName = "numChildren";
// long fieldValue = 3L;
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereLessThanOrEqual(fieldName, fieldValue);
// String fieldName = "revenue";
// double fieldValue = 0.00;
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereGreaterThan(fieldName, fieldValue);
// String fieldName = "age";
// int fieldValue = 21;
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereGreaterThanOrEqual(fieldName, fieldValue);
// String fieldName = "address";
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereNull(fieldName);
// String fieldName = "modifiedAt";
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereNotNull(fieldName);
// String fieldName = "age";
// Integer[] fieldValues = new Integer[] { 60, 70, 80 };
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereIn(fieldName, fieldValues);
// String fieldName = "languageCode";
// String[] fieldValues = new String[] { "zh", "es", "en", "hi", "ar" };
Query query = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).whereNotIn(fieldName, fieldValues);

Any query can be executed by a find or findOne call. The step of first creating the Query instance can be skipped if you chain the calls to execute the query immediately.

Document[] documents = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).find();
// int limit = 30;
Document[] documents = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).find(limit);
// int limit = 30;
// int offset = 5;
Document[] documents = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).find(limit, offset);
Document document = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).findOne();

Chained together, these calls may look as follows, for example:

Document document = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection("users").whereNotNull("lastLoginAt").whereGreaterThan("level", 3).findOne();

Getting a field from a document by name

// String fieldName = "age";
Object field = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).getDocument(documentId).getField(fieldName);

Retrieving the names of all fields from a document

String[] fieldNames = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).getDocument(documentId).getFieldNames();

Fetching the number of fields from a document

int numFields = mMeteor.getDatabase().getCollection(collectionName).getDocument(documentId).count();


All contributions are welcome! If you wish to contribute, please create an issue first so that your feature, problem or question can be discussed.


Further reading


This project is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Meteor.


Copyright (c) delight.im <info@delight.im>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.