


A wrapper for deku components to facilitate easier unit-testing.


var Mock = require('component-mock');

var Component = {
  defaultProps: {
    name: 'a'
  render: function ({ props }) {
    return <div>{props.name}</div>;

var mock = Mock(Component);

var node = mock.render();
assert.isNode(node, 'div');
assert.hasChildren(node, [ 'a' ]);

var node = mock.render({ props: { name: 'b' } });
assert.isNode(node, 'div');
assert.hasChildren(node, [ 'b' ]);


Returns a wrapper object for the Component. The goal is that there will be many methods that reflect various lifecycle events for the deku component. Currently, we only deal with render, but others will be added over time as we develop good testing strategies.


Calls Component.render(). The render function will have all the parameters it would normally expect generated automatically. (eg: props, props.children and state)

This also uses Component.defaultProps and Component.initialState() to ensure the component object is generated accurately.

The setState function that is passed is simply a no-op, it won't trigger any other changes. (as it shouldn't, since this is designed for unit-testing)