

Deis Base

Build Status Docker Repository on Quay

A slimmed-down Ubuntu-based container image used as the basis of Deis Workflow and other components.


Start your Dockerfile with this line:

FROM quay.io/deis/base:v0.3.7

There isn't a :latest tag, because tagged container images should be immutable.

The latest deis/base image is available at:

Updating Downstream Images

Lots of Workflow components rely on deis/base. In order to update the downstream repos with the new image, run OLD_VERSION="v0.3.7" NEW_VERSION="v0.3.8" ./_scripts/make-prs.sh. This will clone all the downstream repos in /tmp, change the image, commit the change and push it to a new branch. The script will then open a browser window to make a PR against master for that repo.