

Zarf - DevSecOps for Air Gap

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<img align="right" alt="zarf logo" src="site/src/assets/zarf-logo.png" height="256" />

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Zarf eliminates the complexity of air gap software delivery for Kubernetes clusters and cloud-native workloads using a declarative packaging strategy to support DevSecOps in offline and semi-connected environments.

Why Use Zarf

📦 Out of the Box Features

🛠️ Configurable Features




✅ Getting Started

Follow the instructions at https://docs.zarf.dev/getting-started/.

To discover more about Zarf and explore its features, please visit docs.zarf.dev. The documentation offers in-depth insights on:

Using Zarf in GitHub workflows? Check out the setup-zarf action. Install any version of Zarf and its init package with zero added dependencies.

🫶 Our Community

Join us on the Kubernetes Slack in the #zarf channel or the #zarf-dev channel! Our active community of developers, users, and contributors are available to answer questions, share examples, and find new ways use Zarf together!

We are so grateful to our Zarf community for contributing bug fixes and collaborating on new features:

<a href="https://github.com/zarf-dev/zarf/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=zarf-dev/zarf" alt="Zarf contributors" /> </a>

Made with contrib.rocks.

💻 Contributing

Check out our Contributor Guide to learn more about how to set up your development environment and begin contributing. We also recommend checking out our architectural diagram.

To dive deeper into the tech, you can read the Nerd Notes in our Docs.

Architecture Diagram

⭐️ Special Thanks

Early Zarf research and prototypes were developed jointly with United States Naval Postgraduate School research you can read here.

We would also like to thank the following awesome libraries and projects without which Zarf would not be possible!

pterm/pterm mholt/archiver spf13/cobra go-git/go-git sigstore/cosign helm.sh/helm kubernetes