

Level Designer Toolkit (LDtk) is a modern, efficient and open-source 2D level editor with a strong focus on user-friendliness.

Links: Official website | Haxe API (on GitHub)

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Getting LDtk latest version

Visit LDtk.io to get latest version.

Building from source


Installing required stuff

haxe setup.hxml
cd app
npm i

Compiling master branch

First, from the root of the repo, build the electron Main:

haxe main.debug.hxml

This should create a app/assets/main.js file.

Then, build the electron Renderer:

haxe renderer.debug.hxml

This should create app/assets/js/renderer.js.

Compiling another branch

If you want to try a future version of LDtk, you can checkout branches named dev-x.y.z where x.y.z is version number.


haxelib git ldtk-haxe-api https://github.com/deepnight/ldtk-haxe-api.git dev-0.6.0


From a command line in the app folder, run:

npm run start


You can read the general Pull Request guidelines here: https://github.com/deepnight/ldtk/wiki#pull-request-guidelines

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