

Datasets used to train Generative Query Networks (GQNs) in the ‘Neural Scene Representation and Rendering’ paper.

The following version of the datasets are available:

Usage example

To select what dataset to load, instantiate a reader passing the correct version argument. Note that the constructor will set up all the queues used by the reader. To get tensors call read on the data reader passing in the desired batch size.

  import tensorflow as tf

  root_path = 'path/to/datasets/root/folder'
  data_reader = DataReader(dataset='jaco', context_size=5, root=root_path)
  data = data_reader.read(batch_size=12)

  with tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession() as sess:
    d = sess.run(data)


Raw data files referred to in this document are available to download here. To download the datasets you can use the gsutil cp command; see also the gsutil installation instructions.


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