

Can multi-label classification networks know what they don’t know?

This is a PyTorch implementation of Can multi-label classification networks know what they don't know? by Haoran Wang, Weitang Liu, Alex Bocchieri, Sharon Li. Code is modified from multilabel-ood, ODIN, Outlier Exposure, and deep Mahalanobis detector



In-distribution dataset

PASCAL-VOC: please download the dataset from this mirror. Parsed labels for PASCAL-VOC are under ./dataset/pascal folder. Create the symlink to the location of Pascal dataset.

ln -s path/to/PASCALdataset Pascal

COCO: please download the MS-COCO 2014 dataset from here. Install the pycocotools to preprocess the dataset

pip3 install git+https://github.com/waleedka/coco.git#egg=pycocotools&subdirectory=PythonAPI

Preprocess the COCO dataset.

python3 utils/coco-preprocessing.py  path/to/coco-dataset

NUS-WIDE: please download the dataset from here. Parsed labels for NUS-WIDE are under ./dataset/nus-wide folder.

Out-of-distribution dataset

OOD dataset can be downloaded here

Pre-trained models

Pre-trained models can be downloaded from here.

Training the models

Below are the examples on COCO dataset.

Train the densenet model for COCO dataset

python3 train.py --arch densenet --dataset coco --save_dir ./saved_models/

Evaluate the trained model

python3 validate.py --arch densenet --dataset coco --load_path ./saved_models/

OOD dection

To reproduce the JointEnergy score for COCO dataset, please run:

python3 eval.py --arch densenet --dataset coco --ood_data imagenet --ood energy
--method sum 

To reproduce the scores for logit/msp/prob/lof/isol, please run:

python3 eval.py --arch densenet --dataset coco --ood_data imagenet --ood
logit/msp/prob/lof/isol/ --method max

To finetune the parameters for Odin and Mahalanobis, please run:

python3 fine_tune.py --arch densenet --dataset coco --ood odin/M --method max

After getting the best_T and best_noise, please run the evaluation:

python3 eval.py --arch densenet --dataset coco --ood_data imagenet --ood odin/M
--method max --T best_T --noise --best_noise

OOD Detection Result

OOD detection performance comparison using JointEnergy vs. competitive baselines. result


      title={Can multi-label classification networks know what they don't know?},
      author={Wang, Haoran and Liu, Weitang and Bocchieri, Alex and Li, Yixuan},
      journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},