

On the Impact of Spurious Correlation for Out-of-distribution Detection

This codebase provides a Pytorch implementation for the paper at AAAI-22: On the Impact of Spurious Correlation for Out-of-distribution Detection. Some parts of the codebase are adapted from GDRO.


Modern neural networks can assign high confidence to inputs drawn from outside the training distribution, posing threats to models in real-world deployments. While much research attention has been placed on designing new out-of-distribution (OOD) detection methods, the precise definition of OOD is often left in vagueness and falls short of the desired notion of OOD in reality. In this paper, we present a new formalization and model the data shifts by taking into account both the invariant and environmental (spurious) features. Under such formalization, we systematically investigate how spurious correlation in the training set impacts OOD detection. Our results suggest that the detection performance is severely worsened when the correlation between spurious features and labels is increased in the training set. We further show insights on detection methods that are more effective in reducing the impact of spurious correlation, and provide theoretical analysis on why reliance on environmental features leads to high OOD detection error. Our work aims to facilitate better understanding of OOD samples and their formalization, as well as the exploration of methods that enhance OOD detection.



Required Packages

Our experiments are conducted on Ubuntu Linux 20.04 with Python 3.8 and Pytorch 1.6. Besides, the following packages are required to be installed:


In-distribution Datasets

Out-of-distribution Test Datasets

Non-spurious OOD Test Sets

Following common practice, we choose three datasets with diverse semantics as non-spurious OOD test sets. We provide links and instructions to download each dataset:

For example, run the following commands in the root directory to download LSUN-R:

cd datasets/ood_datasets
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/moqh2wh8696c3yl/LSUN_resize.tar.gz
tar -xvzf LSUN.tar.gz

Spurious OOD Test Sets

Quick Start

To run the experiments, you need to first download and place the datasets in the specificed folders as instructed in Datasets. We provide the following commands and general descriptions for related files.


Here is an example for training on the ColorMNIST Dataset and OOD evaluation:

python train_bg.py --gpu-ids 0 --in-dataset color_mnist --model resnet18 --epochs 30 --save-epoch 10 --data_label_correlation 0.45 --domain-num 8 --method erm --name erm_r_0_45 --exp-name cdann_r_0_45_2021-08-31
python test_bg.py --gpu-ids 0 --in-dataset color_mnist --model resnet18 --test_epochs 30 --data_label_correlation 0.45 --method cdann --name cdann_r_0_45 --exp-name cdann_r_0_45_2021-08-31
python present_results_py --in-dataset color_mnist --name cdann_r_0_45 --exp-name cdann_r_0_45_2021-08-31 --test_epochs 30

Notes for some of the arguments:


(Notes: Before the generation of WaterBirds dataset, you need to download and change the path of CUB dataset and Places dataset first as specified in generate_waterbird.py.)

A sample script to run model training and ood evaluation task on WaterBirds is as follows:

python train_bg.py --gpu-ids 0 --in-dataset waterbird --model resnet18 --epochs 30 --save-epoch 10  --data_label_correlation 0.9 --domain-num 4 --method erm --name erm_r_0_9 --exp-name erm_r_0_9_2021-08-31
python test_bg.py --gpu-ids 0 --in-dataset waterbird --model resnet18 --test_epochs 30 --data_label_correlation 0.9 --method erm --name erm_r_0_9 --exp-name erm_r_0_9_2021-08-31
python present_results_py --in-dataset waterbird --name erm_r_0_9 --exp-name erm_r_0_9_2021-08-31 --test_epochs 30

Notes for some of the arguments:


A sample script to run model training and ood evaluation task on CelebA is as follows:

python train_bg.py --gpu-ids 0 --in-dataset celebA --model resnet18 --epochs 30 --save-epoch 10  --data_label_correlation 0.8 --domain-num 4 --method erm --name erm_r_0_8 --exp-name erm_r_0_8_2021-08-31
python test_bg.py --gpu-ids 0 --in-dataset celebA --model resnet18 --test_epochs 30 --data_label_correlation 0.8 --method erm --name erm_r_0_8 --exp-name erm_r_0_8_2021-08-31
python present_results_py --in-dataset waterbird --name erm_r_0_8 --exp-name erm_r_0_8_2021-08-31 --test_epochs 30

Notes for some of the arguments:

For bibtex citation

              title={On the Impact of Spurious Correlation for Out-of-distribution Detection}, 
              author={Yifei Ming and Hang Yin and Yixuan Li},
              booktitle={The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},