

Grounding Consistency: Distilling Spatial Common Sense for Precise Visual Relationship Detection


Markos Diomataris, Nikolaos Gkanatsios, Vassilis Pitsikalis, Petros Maragos

Using our Grounding Consistency Distillation Loss we are able to counter the bias of relationships' context by leveraging grounding constraints on predicted relations of unlabeled object pairs. This semi-supervised method is model agnostic. This is the repository containing code for reproducing our ICCV 2021 paper.


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Environment Setup

After cloning the repository run (while sourcing it) setup.sh, this will create and activate a python 3.8 environment called vrd using conda and will install all required packages.

. ./setup.sh

Dataset Setup

Download VRD and VG200 by running main_prerequisites.py. Pass as arguments VRD (default) and/or VG200 to set up the appropriate supplementary training/testing files.

python main_prerequisites.py


Training has three steps:

  1. Train grounding network

python main_research.py --model=parsing_net --dataset=<VRD|VG200>

  1. Train the teacher network

python main_research.py --model=atr_net --net_name=atr_teacher_net --teacher=parsing_net --use_consistency_loss --dataset=<VRD|VG200> --bg_perc=0.2

The --bg_perc option signifies the percentage of unlabeled samples used while training.

  1. Train a model using the teacher to distill knowledge

python main_research.py --model=<model_name> --teacher=atr_teacher_net --dataset=<VRD|VG200> --bg_perc=0.2


After training, testing is automatically performed and micro/macro Recal@[20, 50, 100] is printed for both constrained and unconstrained scenarios while also calculating zero-shot results. To produce metrics for precision (mP+ in paper) add the option --test_on_negatives on step 3.

Checkpointing is performed so re-running step 3 for an already trained model will simply perform testing.

VRD Tasks

These are the different scenarios you can test the Recall of a Scene Graph Generator depending on what information is given during training.

TaskObjects' boxesObjects' CategoriesInteracting Objects
Predicate Detection (PredDet)YesYesYes
Predicate Classification (PredCls)YesYesNo
Scene Graph Classification (SGCls)YesNoNo
Scene Graph Generation (SGGen)NoNoNo
Phrase Detection (PhrDet)*NoNoNo

* Difference with SGGen is that we calculate IoU based on phrase box (minimum box containing subject/object) instead of object boxes.

In this repository we provide the option to train on PredDet(default) or PredCls. Use the option --task=<preddet|predcls>

Feel free to contact us for any issues :)